The American Express

Thursday, January 18, 2024

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Justin Lower

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess the day?

JUSTIN LOWER: I hit it really well. Obviously got off to a hot start, which was nice. Ball striking was good. It was good last week, too. So, just getting on greens I'm a little more comfortable with and whatnot and just nice to see some putts go in.

Q. Take us through the birdies and the eagle.

JUSTIN LOWER: The eagle I hit a really good tee shot and we had 194 or something like that, 188 front or 189 front. Just hit a cut 6-iron to six feet. Made it.

Then the next holing is 12th par-3. I hit an 8-iron just past the pin and made a putt.

13, hit a wedge just right of the pin, made it.

14, wedge just left of the pin, made it. And these putts are no longer than 10 feet. So, I was hitting it pretty well.

Then the par-5, 15, hit -- I laid up and hit a lob wedge in there to, I don't know, 10 feet again. Made that one.

Q. I believe this is your third consecutive start in this tournament. What have you learned in terms of strategy and approach, how you need to attack these courses?

JUSTIN LOWER: Just be more patient. Obviously, yeah, you just have to go and play well and just make a bunch of birdies. It's kind of a weird format with the ams and whatnot and playing with ams, different ams every day. But it's fun, you just have to be really patient with it. My first year, I definitely got frustrated with it, but, yeah, just be as patient as you can and just kind of go from there.

Q. Do you feel like you've established a comfort level on these three courses?

JUSTIN LOWER: There's some uncomfortable shots I would say, especially on Stadium. The one I'm probably least comfortable with is La Quinta. It's just different compared to these two here. Yeah, just go out and try and make as many birdies as I can.

Q. Prepping for the 2024 season was there anything that in particular you worked on in the off season?

JUSTIN LOWER: Just mental game as always. Something that I always struggle with. Struggling with it right now, the way I finished that round. Then, physically, just a couple things here and there. One main thing, on the way back, on my back swing, just kind of like a weight shift-type of thing. Other than that, nothing crazy.

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140582-1-1044 2024-01-18 23:56:00 GMT

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