The American Express

Friday, January 19, 2024

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Min Woo Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Sounds like the game isn't as crisp as you would like it, but still three, four shots back heading into the weekend. How are you feeling about the week?

MIN WOO LEE: Great. Starting out the year in the desert, it's pretty sweet. The weather's nice and courses are unbelievable. Greens are unreal, too. So, I think I made the most out of the last two days. Again, didn't feel -- I'm a little tired in my legs, didn't feel -- I don't feel a hundred percent fresh, and the swing doesn't feel amazing too, but I managed to grit it out a little bit and make some good up-and-downs when I needed to. Yeah, I feel like I've done really well, pat on the back, actually.

Q. A lot of times when guys get big wins like you had over the fall, they will talk about how that kind of gives them more patience knowing, hey, I don't need to play perfect through every day. Is this the embodiment of that where you're not playing great, but you're still well within striking distance?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I think that's a big thing when you first come out on TOUR. You think you're good enough, and you want to keep playing as good as you can and try to get higher than your expectations, but really, yeah, exactly like you said, you got to stay patient and hit one shot at a time. It's very cliche, but it's nearly -- try to do as best as you can and forget the bad shots and see how you go.

Q. Knowing that there was a 61 out here earlier today, four back, does that change a mindset going into the weekend, or is that within close enough you kind of keep doing your thing?

MIN WOO LEE: I think, again, you got to stay patient, because everyone's at a different course, and you don't know really where you stand. So, I got La Quinta tomorrow, and I'm excited to go play there. Played good the first two days, and, hopefully, I can go low tomorrow.

Q. One random one. Reading a little bit about your mom teaching you when you were growing up. Can you take me through how that worked when you were younger with you and your sister and your mom teaching you?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, she would teach clients, and we would just be little kids, 12 year olds, going out and just following what she did. Yeah, that was pretty much it. We'd just go follow her. I never listened to my mum. She taught me well, but half the time I thought I was too good, and never listened to her. She taught both of my sister and I up until like junior ages, and then we got a coach.

Q. Do you think they will come out for any events in the States this fall?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, for sure. We'll just have to do a couple things and hopefully they will come, mum will come out and dad will come out, but, yeah, I'm excited for the family to come out here.

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