The American Express

Saturday, January 20, 2024

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes - 2

Q. I followed you in Hawaii a few years ago when you shot that 59. I've been with you a lot. Today was like the JT of old. It had to feel good for you. It was fun for me to watch.

JUSTIN THOMAS: It did. I didn't get off to a great start, ball striking-wise, I felt like I was losing some to the right, but you can get away with some errant shots out here. I felt like I just kind of protected against some of the trouble there to start, but playing that early, the greens were great, and I knew that they were going to be, and I can make a lot of putts. So, I just feel like I kind of got it clicking, got it going there a little bit, and started hitting some really good shots, and capitalizing with the putts.

Q. Excited about tomorrow, a chance to get back into the winner's circle?

JUSTIN THOMAS: Absolutely. I'm very excited. I definitely would have said, at the beginning of the week, if I was 23-under through three rounds I wouldn't be four back going into Sunday, but, yeah, Nick's playing some great golf, and there's also a lot of great golfers around us. Anybody can go do what I did today. It's out there for the taking. So, I know I'm going it need to shoot a low one tomorrow.

Q. Where I live in Alabama people are excited, you and Nick Dunlap in the final group. Talk about that, because I know you haven't played with him, right?

JUSTIN THOMAS: I haven't played with Nick, no. We've just been in touch and we text from time to time. But he's in college, so we don't run into each other too much. I know Coach Seawell will be a very, very happy man, and a very anxious man tomorrow, I'm sure.

Q. Hunter Hamrick is on his bag, your old teammate, who was the assistant coach for a long time. That's got to be a cool experience for all three of you guys.

JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, Ham Bones, he was one of my best friends in college. We roomed together every single week. We hung out a lot. We did a lot of stuff together. So, yeah, we actually, I hadn't seen him in a long time, and we were able to catch up early this week and so it looks like we'll have 18 holes to chat a little tomorrow.

Q. Sam Burns still has a chance to finish strong, maybe get in that final group. And of course he's wearing the RTR on the side of the head this week.

JUSTIN THOMAS: That's right. So, if that's the case, we got a lot of Alabama in that final group.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140665-2-1044 2024-01-20 23:37:00 GMT

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