The American Express

Sunday, January 21, 2024

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Kieth Mitchell

Quick Quotes

Q. Career low tying 10-under 62 today, well done. Just a few comments -- why don't you start with the hole out at number 10 your first hole.

KEITH MITCHELL: That's a great way to start a final round, with an eagle. I really hit a lot of good iron shots today. Felt like I've been struggling with some approach play the last little bit. Something really clicked on the range after the round on Thursday. Went back to some old feels that I was taught a long time ago, and felt like that I had gotten away from a little bit. It slowly progressed and got better each day. Today, I hit it as good as I've hit it in a really long time. It's crazy to say I missed a few putts, still shooting 10-under, but it's golf, right. Still made a bunch of good putts, too. Really pleased about today and where it's trending for the next couple weeks.

Q. Bigger picture, I know it's one round, but it's enough to take a lot of hope, anticipation out of it. How much can one round like this do for you as you move on down the road?

KEITH MITCHELL: I think it is less about the result of the round, it's more about what happened in the round, and the way my wedges were coming out of the windows I really like, and hitting the numbers I want to hit. That's what's going to make a lot of progress down the road, especially the next couple weeks. So, hopefully, those will still stay the way it is, if not get better, some putts will fall, and then we can just try to just put together four rounds like that.

Q. Tonight's game, I guess here this afternoon's game, just some thoughts on that.

KEITH MITCHELL: Big game. I just hope the injury report for the Bills is a positive one. I haven't seen it in the last couple days, it looked like we had some guys out on defense, but I think Josh could carry the team with a good game, regardless. Hopefully, he can play well and I don't see him in Pebble Beach.

Q. Big round, in a big spot for you. At the beginning of the day you were on the last spot of the Aon Next 10, and you are looking to shoot up that right now. How much pressure does that take off your shoulders to be safely towards where you're going to be able to play at Pebble Beach, another designated event, potentially?

KEITH MITCHELL: It's an interesting vibe about where you stand, and it's hard to follow. You can sit there and run all the calculations and all the numbers and see where you're going to fit or where you need to finish, and, at the end of the day, it's just how you play. Good information to have and good information to know, but if I can keep hitting wedge shots like I did today then I think it will take care of itself.

Q. Nick Dunlap and Sam Burns are going back and forth. As a winner on TOUR, you know what it's like to be in the mix on a Sunday for the first time. What do you imagine is going through Nick's head right now in a group with two seasoned guys like that, trying to get his first win?

KEITH MITCHELL: I can't imagine. I can't even remotely picture myself out here in that position at his age, where he is, a sophomore in college -- I think he's a sophomore, yeah. As a sophomore in college, there was no way I was even close to that, either capable or ready mentally or physically. It's really impressive to see. So, I mean, if he can pull this out, it will be incredible, kudos to him, it would be a hell of a week. Even though went to Alabama, I mean, I still got to give him props.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140697-1-1044 2024-01-21 22:38:00 GMT

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