Q. Michael, that was an impressive round of golf, a 63. If we can get some comments on your day.
MICHAEL KIM: Yeah, I actually started off the day with one of the worst warm-ups I've had in a really long time, so much so I actually changed my driver setting with three more hits to go, with like 10 minutes to go.
But I was pretty happy with how I scored. I chipped it and putted really well today, and hopefully I can keep it going for tomorrow.
Q. What led to the change there that close to the tee time?
MICHAEL KIM: I was messing around with it in the days leading up, and I was just trying to -- I knew I was driving it well. I had A-1, and I was driving it well, but I wanted to drive it a little bit better, and was hoping to take out a little bit of a left miss and changed it up a little bit.
But went back to A-1 on those last few drives.
Q. Take us through the closing stretch there, five out of your last six birdies.
MICHAEL KIM: Yeah, 13, hit a really nice drive. I kind of felt like I figured it out a little bit, especially on the back nine with the driver. Just made some really good swings, and to have a birdie on 16 was really cool, as well.
Q. You were in contention here in 2017, I think T7 going into the weekend and then T3 going into the final round. What do you remember about that and what will you draw on about that this weekend?
MICHAEL KIM: Yeah, I don't remember a ton-ton. I remember that was maybe my second year out here or so, so just really excited for the day, just as I am really excited for this weekend, as well.
Q. Was there anything that you felt off about your game at Torrey, or was it just bad breaks?
MICHAEL KIM: You know, not all missed cuts are equal, if you like. My game actually felt okay. Just a couple shots here and there felt like just couldn't get the breaks to go my way. This week I've had my fair share of good breaks, and hopefully I can keep that going.
Q. You mentioned the five yards of adrenaline on Twitter on 16. Was it like that today?
MICHAEL KIM: For sure, for sure. It was 144 to cover, 153 to the hole. That's really on the far, far end for a pitching wedge, but with the adrenaline going, I knew I had the club and I was just able to hit a full pitching wedge.
Q. The driver change you mentioned, how common is that that you'll do that?
MICHAEL KIM: I think it's my first time ever changing a setting before a round.
Q. Were you confident it would be effective?
MICHAEL KIM: Well, I was hitting it so bad on the warm-ups that I was like, anything is better than this. I was just trying to see what I could do with it, and luckily it worked out.
Q. I know you tweeted last fall about meeting Josh Allen. Where was that?
MICHAEL KIM: That was at Pebble. That was probably the last year before it went to a signature -- one of my best friends from high school was a Buffalo Bills fan so I knew he'd get a kick out of it if I said hello and took a picture.
Q. What impressed you about his game?
MICHAEL KIM: Well, the guy is one of the best athletes in the NFL, which is saying something, and he's always one of the funnest players to watch.
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