Q. Great round on the back nine. One short of the cut but you gave it a heck of an effort. What's going through your mind right now?
LUKE CLANTON: It's just not my time, man. The Lord has a plan for me in every single step I take and every single shot I hit he has a plan, and it wasn't due this week, it wasn't due last week, it wasn't due at Sony. The time will come, and I'm just going to stay confident with him.
Q. Is there any shot that is sticking in your mind right now as one that you'd like to have back?
LUKE CLANTON: Again, man, it's all in the Lord's plan. I'm going to keep saying it over and over. There's no shot I'd take back. There's no shot I'd hit again. I think I'm going to keep pursuing what I do and walk in my faith as much as I can.
Q. Were you thinking about the cut line on 18?
LUKE CLANTON: I mean, yeah, for sure. I wouldn't have that putt -- I wouldn't be nervous over that putt if I didn't. We thought about the cut from 14 on basically. But it's not going to change the way I roll it. It's not going to change the way I read it. It was a great day today. I had a blast. I put up a great fight. I had to make five birdies in my last eight holes and put four up and had a great chance on 18.
It's tough. It's hard to take. But again, I'm going to walk in my faith and keep understanding that it's not my time.
Q. The 15th hole, did you think that was in, that eagle putt?
LUKE CLANTON: It didn't go in, so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. I can't control the golf ball, and the only thing I can do is put it on the best line I can at the best speed. It just happened.
Q. What does it mean to have had this opportunity this week, WM giving you the spot and playing in front of this crazy crowd?
LUKE CLANTON: Yeah, I said over there on Golf Channel, it's been unbelievable to be out here. It's an awesome opportunity to even play with Justin Thomas and of course an old friend of mine, Nick Dunlap. To even be in front of these people and to hit great golf shots and make some birdies was awesome. I'm never going to forget it.
Q. Is it okay to feel a little bit of angst right now, or do you try to block that out or do you let yourself feel what you're going through?
LUKE CLANTON: I'm going to keep walking in my faith, man. The Lord has a plan for me, and I'm going to keep understanding that. Sometimes it's a little harder to understand, but understanding that I am blessed to be where I'm at right now, and not a lot of 21-year-olds can say that, and I'm going to be blessed in my position and understand that my time will come.
Q. What's next for you golf-wise?
LUKE CLANTON: I'm going to head back to Florida State. I'm going to have some fun with the guys, go play some college events. Hopefully maybe we get a start or two coming up, but again, I'm not stressed out, man. My time will come.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports