Q. Really solid round. Tough conditions. How would you describe the conditions out there today?
CAM DAVIS: I mean, it was breezy, gusty, it was a little tough to pick the wind at times, but I thought that was something that Andrew and I did a really good job of today. Yeah, hit a lot of really good, high-quality shots, made a couple of nice putts, for the most part kept the round really clean. There was a couple of annoying ones towards the end around the greens there, but for the most part shooting under par felt like a solid round, which I feel like happens a lot at this course.
Q. Some of us were wondering when it rained yesterday if that would change how the greens were playing. How did they compare to some of the practice rounds prior?
CAM DAVIS: I think the fact that it was dry and windy, they seemed faster than yesterday, a little firmer than yesterday. But the rain actually meant there was a few mud balls out in the fairway. So I didn't personally have too much problem with them, there was a little bit every now and then, but I know Si Woo had a couple where they were kind of covered. So that can happen after some rain. The greens themselves were pretty good.
Q. Where is your game at this season, how would you assess how you've done so far?
CAM DAVIS: It's been a solid start. It's probably the best I've started the year. I'm trying to keep building on that and keep dialing things in and getting a little better as I go. Yeah, it's been good. It's been good fun.
Q. 2-under right now for you is the clubhouse lead at this point. Would that have shocked you at the start of the day to see that be there?
CAM DAVIS: I don't know. I feel like for me personally I felt like 5 was right there. It was just a matter of an up-and-down and a nice putt away from being 5- or 6-under. So I could see that score being shot because I felt like I could have easily just as easily done that today.
At the same time, it is tough, it is tough to keep a round going when it's like this. There's a lot of good players here, so I'm very happy with 2-under, yeah.
Q. What's the best shot you hit today?
CAM DAVIS: Best shot I hit today? Probably my tee shot on 17 after kind of making a mess of 16. Just to get that shot that I felt like I dropped two shots on that hole making a bogey and then get it right back, that was really good.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports