Q. Corey, T-3, how would you assess the day?
COREY CONNERS: Yeah, another solid round. The wind wasn't blowing as much today, but still had to be really patient out there. Sort of pick your opportunities trying to be aggressive. The course was, yeah, it was playing tough again. And did a lot of things pretty well, could have been maybe a little more aggressive on a couple iron shots. But yeah, kept it pretty simple and fairly stress-free, which is a big plus out here.
Q. Three birdies on the back nine, what did you like about those today?
COREY CONNERS: Honestly, some good putts. Made a great putt on 10.
Then a good 2-putt on 16.
And kind of a bonus birdie on 14. Hit a really solid 5-iron, just kind of released past the hole to the back center of the green. Had a longer putt, but yeah, hit a nice one and it was good to see that drop.
Q. What's the plan for the rest of the day today?
COREY CONNERS: Get some lunch, maybe just do a little bit of work here, and stay energized for the weekend. It will be a battle.
Q. Change anything up for the next two rounds?
COREY CONNERS: I don't think so. Stick with the same game plan. I would like to drive it a little bit better, give myself more opportunities from the fairway. Hit a lot of pretty good drives today, but I can tighten things up a little bit.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports