Q. When was the last time you fist pumped a double bogey?
WYNDHAM CLARK: I don't know if I've ever fist pumped a double bogey. I don't know, that hole's very tough, I was pissed off with the tee shot, and I knew it was important to kind of keep the momentum. Any shot is important. I don't fist pump that much, but to me it just was more of like an internal thing, like Let's go, and gave me kind of some momentum for the last three holes.
Q. How big is it to minimize numbers out here where it can spiral?
WYNDHAM CLARK: That's the biggest thing. The tough thing out here is, you know, you're going to hit some bad shots, maybe a water ball or in my case an out-of-bounds ball, but the tough thing is the greens are getting so firm and pretty borderline on unplayable, then you hit the shot back in play and you're never done. You could be 15 feet and blow it six feet by because it's so fast. It's just huge to, any time you get in trouble, to try to minimize any mistakes.
Q. There was a confusion on the broadcast on your third hole. You hit a shot, got free relief. What did you see on that hole and take us through your perspective of it.
WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, didn't know there was any confusion obviously when I'm playing. When we hit it I was asking for it to stop. We never saw it bounce. Then we get up there and it's in a plugged lie. It was filled with -- my ball was covered with mud. So we took relief, didn't think anything of it, and, yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports