Arnold Palmer Invitational

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Bay Hill, Florida, USA

Bay Hill Club and Lodge

Russell Henley

Quick Quotes

Q. Where do these greens rank among the toughest you guys play?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I think they're some of the toughest, because they're the fastest, and also the wind I feel like affects it a lot out here. Today it wasn't super windy, but years past when the wind picks up a little, like it will tomorrow, it just gets very challenging. You got to play a lot of break and not hit it very hard on a lot of putts, and that makes it hard to make the putt.

Q. What was particularly working well for you today?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I feel like I did everything pretty well. Had a couple good par saves. A couple shots I hit in the rough I was able to manage and make a par. Feel like I hit my lines really well on the greens and putted really well. Made some good par saves the last couple holes. I feel like I did everything really well. I played great.

Q. You see sometimes guys after Ryder Cups or Presidents Cups some guys feel like they get a bump just being in that caldron of pressure and stuff like that. Obviously first Presidents Cup for you. Anything feel like you pulled away tangible from that week that helps you under pressure?

RUSSELL HENLEY: Yeah, I mean, you know, that week I'm trying to not throw up basically, I'm so nervous. You definitely, the more you play golf when you're nervous in big tournaments I think the more comfortable you get. I think that's what a lot of these guys, like Rory today, he's done that so many times, he's just so comfortable in that environment. I think the more I can try to put myself there, the better I'll get at it.

Q. Feels like the last 15 months you've really come on. What's kind of -- is that -- do you feel like that's accurate, the last year and a half?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I think my last three years has been my best three years of golf of my life. I think I've gotten a little better. Just been really consistent with my work ethic and what I'm doing. And really the main thing is just my family support system. My wife is unbelievable and can sometimes act as my psychologist a little bit. But she's so supportive in what I do and believes in me and just gives me steel in my spine.

Q. I think I overheard you say that you prefer a course that's difficult in every possible way as opposed super easy. How does one kind of embrace that kind of course like we're going to see tomorrow?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I don't know (laughing). I'm just going to try my best on each shot. You just know it's going to be a tough day and I know everybody's got to play it and you just got to do your best.

Q. You got to hit good irons every course, obviously, but does this course demand that a little bit more? You look at the leaderboard, Collin, you, Corey, pretty elite ball strikers there.

RUSSELL HENLEY: I think so. When the greens get this firm and this fast, hitting more greens is very advantageous. There's a lot of intimidating shots out there. So I think you get rewarded for doing some more basic stuff. Just hitting it to 20 feet, doing that a lot, you get rewarded for that out here. Even to 30 feet.

Q. Is it easier to stay patient maybe trying to get a win?

RUSSELL HENLEY: Oh, yeah, I feel like I'm playing the best I've ever played and it all feels a little bit like icing. I'm just very comfortable with what I'm doing, I'm confident. But I'm also don't feel like I'm pressing too hard. I feel like we have a lot of golf to be played this year and just trying to get a little better each week.

Q. Do you ever get impatient trying to win?

RUSSELL HENLEY: Oh, yeah, I definitely get impatient. And I've blown tournaments and screwed up and it's just hard to get yourself in the correct mindset.

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153265-1-1044 2025-03-08 23:01:00 GMT

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