Q. (No Microphone.)
JACKSON KOIVUN: Not until summer. I'll probably play a couple this summer, hopefully.
Q. Another made cut, another U point. How would you assess your round?
JACKSON KOIVUN: Yeah, obviously played pretty solid on Thursday, Friday, and the weekend kind of got to me. Course got really tough and I wasn't hitting it like I wanted to. But just trying to take notes, trying to learn everything I can so I can just soak up information from these guys.
Q. How much do you take from, the best players in the world are calling this a really, really tough test. For you, as you go into the college season and also as you hope to get out here at some point, what do you take from playing a test like this?
JACKSON KOIVUN: Yeah, these guys, they're really good. Just little things in my game I just need to keep chipping away at, just trying to take it as a learning opportunity, and just ways to get better to prepare myself for when I get out here.
Q. Getting that 19th point, what does that mean?
JACKSON KOIVUN: Yeah, it's just one step closer. I'm very close. It's right in front of me. My time will come when I get that card and, yeah, it means a lot.
Q. Focus now for you to turn to college season, a few tournaments coming up?
JACKSON KOIVUN: Correct. We got a pretty busy schedule coming up. Just trying to focus on that, trying to go help the team. We're obviously a really, really solid team and hopefully try to make another run this year at Nationals.
Q. How has the balance been for you between TOUR and college life?
JACKSON KOIVUN: It's been pretty good. I had to take two tests last night before this final round, but just trying to figure out time management, all that stuff. It's all great learning for eventually when I get out here, there's so many things to juggle so, yeah.
Q. What were the two tests in?
JACKSON KOIVUN: Finance and like kinesiology.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports