RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

Q. Xander, wow, what a charge on Sunday here at the RBC Heritage. Take us through those final holes and oh-so-close with the birdie there at No. 18.

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, just trying to post a number. 17 is a pretty tricky hole if you get aggressive, not too hard to make a par unless you get a weird gust, and then 18 playing downwind, it shouldn't be too hard to make a par. In years past, when it kind of plays into the wind, it's a very difficult hole with how small that green is.

I was just trying to post a number. I saw Jordan was at 17 when I finished, so 16 probably would have been a little light, and it is what it is.

Q. How about the week overall? It's such a special venue on the PGA TOUR.

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, it's big for me. I've never played well here. This is my fourth appearance, and I can't think of a time I've finished inside the top 60. It was nice to sort of get over that hump, play a little bit better. I do enjoy playing the golf course. It's kind of bit me in the past, and it was nice to make a couple birdies coming in so I have a good taste in my mouth.

Q. What did you see in that last putt?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: I had the right read. We just played a little bit less break because of the wind. The wind was straight off my back, and Austin kind of looked at me after and said the wind sort of died or at least sort of the feeling of the wind died while I was putting. It broke across the hole unfortunately. It would have been a nice finish.

Q. I know you were trying to post a number; what clicked a little bit those last four holes?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: I just putted better. If you look at my stats, they're pretty solid. Like tee to green, I'd say they were pretty good. Today didn't feel much different than the last three days. If the putter worked a little bit better, I probably would have had a better chance.

I drew some inspiration from Jordan winning last year. He just kind of did what I did, and I think he putted worse probably and still won. I knew it was possible just because I saw him do it last year, so I just tried to keep that in the back of my mind.

Q. You said it was your fourth time here, haven't played great here. What was the difference this week on a course you said you like to play?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, sort of what I just said. Jordan played -- him and Pat played unreal last year, and Jordan didn't even putt well. He was like negative 2 putting or like 75th in putting and still won in a playoff.

I'm hitting the ball really well right now and controlling the shot shapes and everything pretty well with Austin, and I just told myself if I keep knocking on the door, I'll probably make some putts eventually.

Q. How much confidence does this give you continuing the big part of the season that we're in?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, it's good. It's nice to play well at a course you've never played well at, so that definitely gives me some confidence.

Q. You and Patrick are heading to New Orleans next week to defend your title. This must give you a lot of confidence going in with both of you being in contention?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I pretty much rode Pat's coattails last year through a portion of that event. He was playing really well coming off of this, and I just knew as long as we don't work him too hard through practice, he'll be fine and well-rested. That'll be kind of the big goal for next week, both of us resting enough and then being fresh for the event.

Q. You being the main contributor this time maybe?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah. I didn't play that bad last year. He was just playing unreal. Everyone was giving me a hard time for being his partner there and not doing much, and I was like, hey, just find yourself a better player like I did.

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