RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Ludvig Åberg

Quick Quotes

Q. Ludvig, how would you describe the round today?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: It wasn't as sharp I would say as it was the first couple days, but I still felt like I hung in there quite well. We still picked the targets we wanted to, tried to stay disciplined, and it was just not as good execution, but overall felt pretty good with the score today.

Q. Did you feel like the course was trickier today than it was the past couple days?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: Maybe a little bit. Maybe a few trickier pins and so. But it's still such a fun golf course to play. You've still got to use the angles and try to stay disciplined and have patience, and I feel like we did that well today.

Q. In terms of what you look at the leaderboard and you see Scottie doing what Scottie does, at this point doing it week after week, what are you thinking when you look over and you see that?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: I think we're all expecting him to be there with the way that he's been playing. I think we all expect him to play well, and there's nothing I can do about it. All I try to do is focus on myself and make sure that I hit the shots the way I want to and then see where that takes me.

Q. I know you said after the Masters you felt like you should be able to come in, you're young, you feel like you can come in the next week and play well. Are you proud or happy with how you've responded off such an emotionally taxing week?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: I think so, definitely. Last week was a lot, and there was a lot of new experiences and a lot of new things to try to take in. But I felt like we did a great job this week so far of trying to stay patient, trying to stay disciplined and know that the skills and the shots are there and then just try to trust that and make sure we have fun.

Q. If you do what tomorrow it'll give you your best chance to win in the end?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: I think we just try to keep doing what we've been doing. I feel like it's been working quite well, and try to be a little bit sharper into the greens, a little bit sharper off the tee, and then I guess we'll see what's going to happen tomorrow.

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