RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Patrick Rodgers

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you characterize your round?

PATRICK RODGERS: A little scrappier than the last couple of days. I still felt like I hit it nicely. I just found myself in some trickier spots, kind of missed a few fairways by not very much and trying to figure out if it was a jumper or a spinner. I was in a few different spots that I wasn't the first couple of days.

I thought the golf course was trickier, so I was happy that I hung in there and put a decent round together.

Q. Is it good to have a round like that?

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, for sure. I think we talked yesterday just about sort of the difference between the first couple of days and then late on the weekend, and I definitely experienced being a little nervier today. There was just a few shots on the greens or around the greens. But it was good to go out and play with such a great player in Ludvig, and looking forward to having a shot tomorrow.

Q. What were your impressions of playing with Ludvig?

PATRICK RODGERS: He's a superstar. I don't like saying that he's an incredible talent because I know he works really hard and has worked really hard on his game, but he's just an awesome player. He's going to be in this spot a lot of times in big events, and it's a pleasure to compete against him. That's why playing this TOUR is so great, because you get to compete against people like that.

Q. You look at the leaderboards, you see Scottie just kind of slowly rising up there. At this point when you see that, what do you think?

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, it feels inevitable at this point. His ball-striking is incredible. It's going to take -- for me to have a chance tomorrow, I'm going to have to play 18 great holes, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Q. At least from here, it feels like the wind picked up there, conditions maybe got a bit tougher there on the home stretch.

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, it was trickier today. The greens were firmer and faster. I don't know if the pins were any more difficult. It was definitely a little bit windier.

Yeah, I thought maybe later this afternoon it was a little trickier. It looked like the course was pretty gettable this morning. But yeah, that's what you expect around here. It's not going to be easy.

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143618-1-1002 2024-04-20 21:54:00 GMT

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