RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Sepp Straka

Quick Quotes

Q. How big was that birdie on the last for you?

SEPP STRAKA: It was nice. Anytime you can bank a birdie going into the final round, it's nice. It'll get me in the final group. I don't know that that's going to make that big a difference, but it'll be a lot of fun for sure.

Q. Talk about that difference; at least you're going to be able to see what Scottie is doing. Does that help you, or does that not really matter?

SEPP STRAKA: They've got leaderboards on every hole, so you pretty much know anyways. By the time we tee off, we probably won't be 1 and 2 anymore. There's a lot of guys that are still in this. It's a pretty packed leaderboard.

I think it'll be mostly a lot of kind of gaining experience being in the last group with him, getting to play in that. That'll be fun.

Q. What was working best for you today?

SEPP STRAKA: It was not as good a ball-striking round as the first two days. I knew it probably wasn't going to continue the way it did. I hung in there, grinded it out and started hitting the ball nicely on the back nine. It's always hard to start off a little shaky and recover and hit some good shots coming in, and I did that pretty nicely.

Q. Is it good being able to measure -- obviously you believe you know where your game is and everything, but to play with Scottie tomorrow and measure up against the best player in the world?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, I don't think I'll get caught watching that too much because I'll just be disappointed, I think. I think I'm just going to stick to my game. It's always fun to watch him play. It's incredible what he's doing right now. Yeah, just look forward to kind of battling it out.

Q. What's the biggest thing you can draw on from past experiences going into tomorrow and playing in the final group with the No. 1 player in the world?

SEPP STRAKA: I think I've been very fortunate to have played with a lot of top players. I don't think anybody has been quite on the run that Scottie is on right now, but just kind of making myself a little more comfortable in that situation. But the nerves will be flying tomorrow from the first tee. I don't know that I'll be all that comfortable anyway. But just being a little bit more comfortable there in those spots.

Q. I know it's completely different, but you talked about nerves; does playing in the Ryder Cup kind of help that because you've felt those nerves under that pressure?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, I don't think anything is going to come close to those nerves that we felt. It was crazy. It was a great environment. Yeah, I think it'll be -- anytime you can put yourself in some uncomfortable positions, it's huge for me. Whether it works out for you or not, no matter what, I think you gain from experience.

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143620-1-1002 2024-04-20 22:14:00 GMT

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