RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. 64, great round. How does that rank for you out here?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, that's got to be one of the better ones. I don't know if I've ever gotten to 7.

Just a frustrating week. It's great to finish off with this one, but I knew the game was there, and I just couldn't get anything going the first three days, but this will make dinner taste a little bit better for sure.

Q. There were so many birdies; what were some of your best shots?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yesterday I got off to a good start. It was just nice to keep going. I had one hiccup there on the back, 11, middle of the fairway, made bogey, but got a birdie pretty quick right after it, 13, and hit some really good shots coming in.

I'll try to use it as a springboard. I've got two weeks off. I've got a lot of stuff to work on, but nice to put it together for at least a day.

Q. Going into today's final round, how do you stay focused coming into it?

BRIAN HARMAN: It's hard. It's been a frustrating week because this is one of the places I have circled, that I should really come here and contend every year that I'm playing. Just wasn't my week, and that's frustrating. But you never know what's going to happen out there.

As impatient as I've been all week, it was nice to get in another round and feel some good stuff today.

Q. You were talking about the patience factor earlier in the week. How does it manifest itself on this course for you?

BRIAN HARMAN: It just baits you into making bad decisions for sure. You feel like you can attack every pin, but you get on the wrong side of a couple and you get 2- or 3-over par and you start pressing. It's a great golf course. That's what Pete Dye does. He tests your physical skills, your mental skills, and I've always really enjoyed the challenge of this place.

Q. Talk about the support you receive; everywhere you walk around here, you hear "Go Dawgs," "go Brian"? How does that make you feel?

BRIAN HARMAN: It is awesome. I probably put a little too much pressure on myself because I want to perform. I want to get in contention here. I want to play well for everyone. But I certainly appreciate the support. It's been awesome.

Q. You had a great round of golf today. What was clicking for you?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, just pretty good all around. Only really mis-hit one iron shot on 11, made bogey, but drove it pretty good, made a couple putts, and you've just got to take what the course gives you. You can't get too aggressive. I just managed my game really well today.

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