RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Wyndham Clark

Quick Quotes

Q. Wyndham, 6-under 65. Excellent round. If we can get some comments on your day.

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, it was really fun first 11 holes and then just hit such a bad chip out on 12.

Honestly it was a great day. I was trying to get myself in the top 10 and have a good finish, and it was kind of fun for a little bit. Seemed like maybe we had a chance to do something crazy.

All in all a great day.

Q. Eagle on 5. Take us through that.

WYNDHAM CLARK: Sorry, eagle on 2.

Q. I'm sorry, it's been a long day.

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, no worries. Came out of the gates, birdied 1 and eagled 2. Had a 4-iron in and thought I flagged it and went long. It was really firm early on and then made a nice putt off the green for eagle and birdied the next hole, too.

Q. You just mentioned it briefly, but this finish in a another signature event, what does that do for you going forward?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I mean, it's huge. The points are big and obviously the money is nice, but everyone is trying to chase Scottie and he's making really tough because he keeps winning.

You know, second, being seconds or third in the points list is big and that's huge for me. It's one really good week and hopefully propels me for the rest of the year.

Q. I don't know if you saw during the delay, Nelly Korda won her fifth straight start. Can you put into context how impressive of an achievement that is?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, oh, my gosh. Scottie is about to win four out of five or whatever it is and that's unbelievable. To win five in a row is amazing. Especially one being a major that she just won.

So kudos to her. She's playing amazing and clearly the best female in the world.

Q. Have you met Nelly before?

WYNDHAM CLARK: I honestly haven't. I know her sister a little bit better. She's more my age. But, yeah, so I blade with her sister in junior golf and stuff when we had like AJGAs and stuff but Nelly was younger than me so I have never met her.

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