RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

J.T. Poston

Quick Quotes

Q. (On not finishing his round today)

JT POSTON: At the very least, it'll maybe be the same tomorrow morning but I'd like to think it might be a little calmer, so that's pretty much all it is.

Q. Coming back after a two-and-a-half-hour delay, is patience kind of the key there to come back and finish up?

JT POSTON: Yeah, we've all done it before. Like we've had some long delays before. Just try and stay busy during the delay, and then when you get back out, just treat it like you're starting the round all over again.

Q. Away from here, I don't know if you saw during the delay, Nelly Korda won her fifth consecutive start. Do you know Nelly at all and can you contextualize --

JT POSTON: I don't know her personally but five in a row is pretty impressive, and that was a major today, right; is that correct? That's pretty impressive. Obviously what Scottie has been doing has been pretty impressive, and for her to reel off five in a row, that's hard to fathom.

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