RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Harbour Town Golf Links

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. I want to first talk about your final hole. You had the option of coming back tomorrow which you were going to do anyway, but you make that par putt under some difficult light. Why not mark it and continue tomorrow?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I hit a really nice shot in there, so I felt like I had good momentum. I kind of knew what the putt was doing. I felt like today was a day where I hit a lot of really good putts and they weren't really dropping. I felt like I was due for one to drop. So I figured might as well hit it now.

Q. This was a disjointed day with the weather coming in. How were you able to keep your emotions in check?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, just tried to do my best to do that. Relaxed for a while this afternoon. We got pretty soaked. We were getting in after the first delay. But yeah, stayed patient, found a place to relax in the clubhouse, hung out, and just tried to stay ready to play for most of today.

Q. When you go home on Sunday night with holes to play on Monday, what's your prep with just a few holes remaining tomorrow?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, just go home as quick as I can, get some rest. I'll treat tomorrow like I'm playing 18 holes and do all my normal prep work and come out here ready to go for the restart.

Q. 22-under is the scoring record. Is that something that's rattling around in your brain?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Not really. I think conditions are going to be pretty tough tomorrow morning. That may be why also I was thinking about hitting that putt. I think the wind is supposed to pick up. It'll be a challenging last few holes.

Q. Nelly Korda wins her fifth consecutive tournament. You're on a heater, as well. What has impressed you about her run?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I actually was checking the scores this afternoon when we were in the rain delay, and she finished I think T16 in her first event this year, and the other five she's won. I don't know if I can quite relate to that. That's some pretty serious golf. I'm extremely happy for her and proud of her. That's some pretty special stuff. It's been a treat to watch.

Q. The chip-in on 2, just describe that shot.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I hit a really good shot into the green on 2, and I felt like it was unfortunate to end up in that spot back there over the green. But was able to hit a nice little bump-and-run in there. It was nice, coming in at the right speed, and I was happy to get the ball up-and-down but definitely fortunate to see it going in.

Q. What was your landing spot on that chip?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: It was pretty close to where I wanted to land it. I don't really look at a landing spot, but the way I imagined the chip, it came out the grass the way I thought it would, and it kind of skipped into the hill like I was hoping it would.

Q. Why were you more excited for the par than you were for any of the eagles or birdies that you made today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I felt like the par was pretty important tonight, just being able to go to sleep and still keeping a clean card. I felt like I got a bad break there in the fairway. I haven't had to hit a shot like that in a long time, so I figured there must have been mud on the bottom of the ball. Just nice to keep the card clean.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143651-1-1002 2024-04-22 00:08:00 GMT

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