Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Doc Redman

Sam Ryder

Quick Quotes

Q. Guys, how much fun did you have out there this week?

DOC REDMAN: Yeah, we had a blast. It's always fun getting to play together, and I think just playing a little different format and playing for someone other than yourself is a nice change-up. We played great, and it was a lot of fun.

SAM RYDER: Yeah, I had a great time. I think, like he said, I was trying to remind myself of that and kind of remind him a little bit because this is fun for us; we don't get to do this very often, and sometimes we can put almost too much pressure because you feel like you're trying harder for your teammate and stuff. But it really is fun and it's unique, and we just try and enjoy it, and all in all, looking over the whole week, it was a really good time.

Q. You mentioned the pressure of possibly playing for somebody else. Especially in Doc's case, this finish will get you a nice little kick up the standings a little bit. I want to get your impressions on that and maybe having that in the back of your head.

DOC REDMAN: Yeah, no, I don't think I ever thought about that. I knew going into this we were playing really good golf and that if we just continued to do that we'd have a good finish, and points and things like that just come. All you've got to do is worry about the process and getting better every day, and I think we both do a good job of that, and it showed this week.

Q. What's it like playing alternate-shot?

SAM RYDER: I don't know exactly what the stat breakdown is or what exactly makes it work so well, but for whatever it is, he and I seem to play really well in this format. It's like, I don't know if it's just you can make a little extra focus on each shot or you don't have to carry a total load, you almost take a shot off. Like I trust in him when he hits some of these good tee balls that fit his strengths and I hit a couple good iron shots and he rolls some putts in. It's fun. It's just like, I'm not getting upset if he hits a bad shot because that's golf, but you almost can kind of make it a little harder on yourself.

In this format, whether it makes you focus a little harder on each shot or whatever, we just seem to feed off each other pretty well.

Q. Who shaves the 'stache first?

DOC REDMAN: I'm not going to shave it for a while. Maybe neither of us, I don't know.

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