Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Parker Coody

Pierceson Coody

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We'd like to welcome Parker and Pierceson Coody to the media center here at the Zurich Classic of New Orleans. Making your tournament debut here this week and obviously paired up together.

Each of you talk a little bit about how special it is to be playing this PGA TOUR event as partners this week.

PIERCESON COODY: Yeah, it's awesome. We're really glad to be here. I don't think we've played any type of tournament format where we've actually been true partners. Obviously in college you're teammates, but this week we're going to be relying on each other a little bit more, so it's going to be really fun, and hopefully we're still friends and brothers after this.

PARKER COODY: Just echoing what he said, I think it's a lot of fun for our family that's coming in and our parents. As soon as they knew we were playing, they had booked this trip. His fiance is here, my girlfriend is coming in. It'll just be a fun week, and whatever happens happens, but like he said, hopefully we just like each other after this.

Q. Coming off of Punta Cana last week, you guys both finished in the top 20 and Parker finishing T6. Overall state of your game and momentum coming into this week?

PIERCESON COODY: Yeah, it hasn't been the start to the year that I wanted. Luckily we're only about a third of the way through the season, give or take. One week out here can change a whole script. Just trying to kind of stay in my lane, process, whatnot, and just continue to stack good weeks. Punta Cana was a good start for me.

PARKER COODY: I feel like the season has been ups and downs like any season. It started off where I put myself in position to have some good tournaments and haven't quite finished it off. To have the first top 10 on TOUR last week, that's a great steppingstone for this week.

Q. You guys were able to get out on the golf course yesterday a good bit. What stands out to you about TPC Louisiana as you guys are ready to attack that tomorrow?

PIERCESON COODY: The greens are firmer and faster than I expected so that's really cool because they're pure. They're great. Just kind of puts a premium on hitting good iron shots, making sure the ball is in the fairway, all the things that you expect from a really high-level golf course and tournament. You see that here at TPC Louisiana.

PARKER COODY: I think from what I've heard, it's the best shape it's ever been in for this tournament. It's great. As he mentioned, this is our first time here, but the course is in great shape, and it's going to be a premium to hit some greens this week because it's tough to get up-and-down around these greens.

Q. Who asked whom to partner up?

PARKER COODY: We didn't even ask each other. It just was kind of like implied. I think it would have been a little disappointing if we didn't play together or like oh, why aren't you playing together. No, we committed to the tournament as teammates, and here we are.

PIERCESON COODY: Our caddies give us a hard time because we were paired together in Houston for the first two rounds and we walked up on the tee and didn't shake hands, didn't say hi, just make sure we had different markings on our golf balls. Yeah, there's probably just a little too much implication on you're going to be my partner whether you like it or not.

Q. What makes you the perfect team?

PARKER COODY: I have no idea if we're the perfect team, but I think it'll be a fun week. It'll be a little more comfortable than some of the other teams maybe. We obviously know each other really well, and at least I think we like each other for the most part. It'll be really easygoing this week.

It's different just from other weeks because you can play really well and you just never know what happens or you could play really bad and it just kind of is what it is.

But I think we'll have a good relationship as far as no matter what happens. It's just another week, and we'll go home next week for the Byron Nelson. It'll be a fun week this week.

Q. How much have you guys talked strategy? And do you need to consider your relationship as brothers?

PIERCESON COODY: Yeah, our caddies and coaches that have been out here for several years have already -- kind of from watching us play, have already had a strategy almost built in for us. Parker has been hitting his irons better this year, and I guess the odds have more par-3s, and so it was kind of just built in, okay, Parker will take the odds, I'll take the evens.

So yeah, we didn't even really have to have a team discussion of this or that. It was just kind of we have guys around us with a lot of experience, and they're like, this is probably the best way to do it, and we trust them. So yeah, we're just trying to figure it all out.

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143668-1-1002 2024-04-24 14:47:00 GMT

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