Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Garrick Higgo

Ryan Fox

Press Conference

Q. Just give me a recap of round 1 today. What went well out there?

GARRICK HIGGO: My partner played really well, which was great. I helped on a few holes, but Foxy played incredible. He played nice, nice and solid.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, it was a good day. We get along really well, so lots of banter out there. I've got a South African caddie and he's got a New Zealand caddie, so we kind of give each other -- good chemistry. We give each other a bit. I played nice the whole day and sort of G struggled at the little bit at the start but came right at the end, made a few birdies when it mattered. Nice one on 9 to finish. We said with sort of five or six holes to go if we could get to 9, we'd be pretty happy, and we did that.

GARRICK HIGGO: So mission accomplished.

Q. Recap on some of those birdies, what was the most memorable one today?

GARRICK HIGGO: Well, I think the first one was great. That was a tap-in three-footer from Foxy. But there were many. His memory is better than mine, but the first one was a good start.

RYAN FOX: I think for us probably the last three were the best. There are some chances out here, especially in that format. We made one from off the green on 7. We both did. I made one from off the green on 8, and G hit a great shot into 9 to about eight feet maybe and made it. That certainly was going to make lunch taste a lot better.

We hit a lot of nice shots and maybe didn't take advantage of it through the middle of the round, and it was nice to finish with those three at the end.

GARRICK HIGGO: I agree, yeah. We're ready to go tomorrow.

Q. Talk about this partnership. How did it come about? How are you guys feeling?

GARRICK HIGGO: Well, it came about in February, right? We've known each other for a little bit. Obviously Presidents Cup in September. Hopefully if we both keep playing well, we can join up there again. It's a good week for that.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, as G said, we get along well. The caddies get along really well. That helps, as well. It was just an easy partnership, and just talk about rugby and various other things going around and have a bit of fun. It's worked so far. Hopefully we can keep each other out of trouble in foursomes tomorrow.

GARRICK HIGGO: Yeah, we knew it was going to be a good week regardless of the golf for sure.

Q. What about strategy going into tomorrow?

GARRICK HIGGO: Do a bit of the same. I think I'm going to go on evens, so Foxy will have a few more par-3s. But he hits his irons a club further, so that's already a positive.

But yeah, I think tomorrow is obviously -- the foursomes is kind of the tough one, so if we can both play well, I'm sure we'll score really well.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, it's a tough format. I don't know how much G has done it, but I've played a couple of the World Cups of golf with that format. It's weird trying to do it in stroke play. It's hard to get into a rhythm. I think it's the opposite of today; today you kind of take everything on, and tomorrow you've got to be a bit more circumspect and sort of hope one of you gets hot with the putter and he's the guy that ends up putting a lot.

We've got a good strategy, and hopefully it plays out well tomorrow.

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