Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Robert MacIntyre

Thomas Detry

Press Conference

Q. Overall assessment on how things went today? Obviously it's important to get off to a fast start in four-ball.

ROBERT MacINTYRE: Yeah, it was good. Good start. Again, Thomas was chipping in all the pro-am, and his first chip today, he's chipped it in for eagle, and I've chipped in the next for birdie, and from there it gave us a nice cushion just to press on. It gave us a bit of freedom, and we're like, well, we're 3-under par, 4-under after the 4th, and it was a nice cushion to ease up and play with a bit more freedom.

Q. Obviously you guys were saying you played on the DP World Tour together. How nice is it being out here with someone who obviously just makes you comfortable personally and also from a golf game perspective?

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, it's my second year out here, for Bob it's his first year, so it's nice to have some friendships from back home. I live in the UK, he lives in the UK, as well, so we have a nice little connection. Obviously we played so many years on the DP World Tour together.

I think we always got along pretty well. I think so.

ROBERT MacINTYRE: Yep, and this week is no different.

THOMAS DETRY: So I think we're a great team together.

Q. What will be the key tomorrow going into foursomes where it's really important to put up a good number out there?

ROBERT MacINTYRE: I think it's about leaving each other to it. We're both good players, both know what we're doing with the golf ball. Well, what. It's just trusting each other. If I hit a good shot, you hit a good shot. If you hit a bad shot, don't say sorry, you're not meaning to do it. You just keep walking forward and keep trying to hit good shots and committing to them and see where we end up. Can't really do anything about it. It's difficult because you might not hit a five-foot putt until the 17th hole. It's completely different. All you can do is try your best.

Q. Seems like the wind is going to pick up a little bit, especially as we get into the weekend. You guys have a lot of experience playing in that. Do you think that's something that plays into your style of play?

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, there are a couple tough holes out here where you have to really take your medicine. I think tomorrow the key on those tough holes is to make sure you hit at your target, don't get greedy. Pars are good, especially when it's windy, and in alternate shot, as well. I think that'll be the key, just stick to our game plan, not try to overplay or please the partner. There's no sorries out there. Do our best, really.

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143684-1-1002 2024-04-25 17:47:00 GMT

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