Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Mark Hubbard

Ryan Brehm

Press Conference

Q. 11-under to get things going. What stood out to you from today's round?

MARK HUBBARD: Just like usual, we ham-and-egged it. I don't think either of us were feeling amazing about our games coming into the day, but we just feed off each other really well. We relax each other out there, and best ball is just a fun format. I didn't putt great last week, but he had a lot of holes where he snuggled it up there nice and close for par and it really freed me up.

You just kind of get confidence that way, and I think even you watching me make some putts gave you confidence and you poured them in at the end.

RYAN BREHM: Yeah, I was doing a lot of spectating today. I made a couple long putts that I think contributed, but I don't know, it was fun. It's fun to play golf with a good buddy.

Q. You guys tied for 14th a couple years ago. How much of an advantage of it that you've done it and done it reasonably well?

RYAN BREHM: Well, I just think it's so important to play with somebody that you're comfortable with, and I have a lot of respect for Ryder Cup captaincy after playing in this event. Obviously I've never played in a Ryder Cup, but I think it really matters.

I think Mark said it best earlier; we feed off each other, and we love each other. No matter what happens, we're going to be all right.

Q. How do you keep it going with the change in format tomorrow?

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I think we just keep doing what we're doing. We like our strategy from the years before. I think this course fits well the odds and evens. I like to cut the ball, he likes to draw it, and it works out really nice that most of the even holes there's a lot of cuts, and most of the odd holes are a lot of draws. We like that format, and yeah, like he said, this is a fun week. I wish we did more stuff like this on TOUR. We're just here to have a good time with our wives and enjoy New Orleans.

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