Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Patton Kizzire

Ben Kohles

Press Conference

Q. Great round of golf today. Give me a recap and went well out there.

PATTON KIZZIRE: Well, we came out of the gates both playing really well, both birdieing the same holes. Ideally we'd like to mix it up. But we started well and just kept it going. Whenever one of us needed the other, we stepped up and ham-and-egged it. He was a fantastic partner. I needed him out there, and he stepped up.

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Like he said, we got off to a nice start, both birdied a couple holes early. We just kind of took our turns, but we're just -- try to hit it in the right spots and give ourselves a lot of looks out there, and for the most part, we were both in it most of the holes. Both of us took a break on a couple holes, but that's what the team is for.

We picked each other up and had a good day.

Q. What was the most memorable out there? Any putts that were great, any of the birdies?

BEN KOHLES: All of it.

PATTON KIZZIRE: Yeah, they were all fun. We made some nice putts. He and I pride ourselves on our putting, and I think that's one of the reasons that we've done well. We made some nice putts, hit a lot of good shots.

I don't know, there were some high fives and some camaraderie. We had a good group. Zac Blair and Patrick Fishburn are fun to play with. Overall it was just a fun day.

Q. You mentioned you've been partners before, just not in this event. How did this come about?

PATTON KIZZIRE: Ben approached me. It was earlier in the year, and Ben approached me. We've been buddies for a while. It's a good match.

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, very comfortable. We've played a ton of golf together and known each other for probably about 12 years now. It's been a great time out here, and looking forward to the rest of the week.

Q. Have you been able to pull on any past experience given you guys have played in this event before?

PATTON KIZZIRE: Yeah, I've played in this event, the team event, I believe, almost every year. I think I've played four times. I'm not sure how many years the tournament has been going as a team event. This is my fourth.

It's a fun event. I look forward to it. I think I've had a different partner every year. Hopefully next year Ben will have me again.

BEN KOHLES: It's great. I've played here a couple times before, only once in the team event. It's something different. It's pretty fun just getting out here, and like he said, having a partner. Not something we get to do hardly ever. It's fun kind of leaning on someone else and having that camaraderie out there.

Q. A little different format headed into tomorrow. What's the strategy out there?

BEN KOHLES: Same thing we've been doing. Just trying to put ourselves in the best spots that we can and picking each other up when something doesn't go right. That's all you can really do. Just stay in the moment and hit the best shot you can at each point, and we'll see where that puts us.

PATTON KIZZIRE: Yeah, we play one ball all the time. We just don't alternate. It's just that. We just take a little break between shots and try to pick each other up and make some birdies.

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