Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Friday, April 26, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Andrew Novak

David Thompson

Press Conference

Q. 3-under 69. Andrew, we'll start with you. Just talk about today's round.

ANDREW NOVAK: It was tough out there with the wind I thought, and alternate shot you're not going to see as low scores as yesterday. So I think we did a good job of staying patient. Had a lot of really, really nice up-and-downs and made some good pars and just kind of hung in there and got the birdies when we could.

Q. Davis, your thoughts on the round?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it was great. I feel, like Andrew said, we were patient. Played the par-5s well again. Hit some wedge shots in close and were able to make a few birdies.

Yeah, felt like the short game was kind of on point today and just kind of needs to be in alternate shot, and we were just able to make some pars when we were out of position.

Q. What is it about the team that's clicking so far this week?

ANDREW NOVAK: I think we're just kind of doing our own thing. We're playing our games. I think we're both pretty comfortable grinding it out if we get in positions. You know, it's not too hard when you are playing well in alternate shot to be pretty friendly still.

I think it's been good overall. Yeah, just trying to keep that going for the weekend.

Q. Bunched up leaderboard. Just talk about tomorrow's format and go low tomorrow, obviously. Talk a little bit about that a little bit, Davis.

DAVIS THOMPSON: The goal tomorrow is to get as many looks as possible and hopefully get off to a good start and just kind of -- like I said, just hit a bunch of greens, get a lot of looks and, yeah, move up the leaderboard.

Q. You mentioned the draft. You'll be watching that tonight to keep your mind off of the golf. How is the draft going so far, and what are you hoping happens tonight?

ANDREW NOVAK: I think it was kind of out there that the Panthers wanted to go get Legette. Made sense. I think moving up one spot to keep that fifth year option made a lot of sense as well. They didn't really have to get -- they didn't really get (indiscernible) much. They moved back a bit. Now we have a pick every round of the draft for this year.

Spaced out pretty good. I think we probably still need to get linebacker, maybe center at some point, maybe another corner. We'll see. We've got options. There's a lot of good players still left there, so yeah.

Q. Davis, are you watching the draft at all?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, yeah. I mean, big fantasy football guy, so got to know where everybody goes.

Yeah, I enjoy watching football a lot, so any football you can get in April I'm kind of dialed in, so yeah, it's pretty fun.

Q. Who is your team?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I really don't have a professional team. I'm huge into Georgia football. I saw that they had two guys.

ANDREW NOVAK: Lassiter should be going soon.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, Lassiter should be going soon. Like I said, fantasy guy, so try to assemble a good team.

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143731-1-1878 2024-04-26 21:48:00 GMT

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