Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Friday, April 26, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Ryan Brehm

Mark Hubbard

Press Conference

Q. Mark, we'll start with you. Can you talk about the round today? You guys are T1 heading into tomorrow.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, it was good. Alternate shot is super stressful, so I'm finally smiling now, but it was a long day.

I think we handled ourselves well, though. We both made big shots at the right time and kind of worked through the stress, and I think we're both very excited to get back to best ball tomorrow.

Q. Ryan, you guys finished well yesterday. Good again today. What is the key to your game in playing together?

RYAN BREHM: We just have to stay loose. We've spent a lot of time with each other on and off the golf course. Honestly I know he is going to hit good golf shots. I don't care where he puts me. I'm going to do my best from there, and I know he feels the same. So we have to keep that attitude and roll with the day.

Q. Mark, you mentioned tomorrow's format. A lot of birdies are going to be flying. What's the goal heading into tomorrow to stay on top?

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I don't think that's really a goal. We're just going to try to make as many birdies as possible and free each other up and just continue to have fun. This is a really, really fun format and fun week for us and our families. Yeah, we're just excited to be around for the weekend.

Q. You talk about the families. Your wives are matching today. You guys are kind of matching.


Q. Can you talk about what it's like to play in a team format and how fun it is for you guys to do this every once in a while.

RYAN BREHM: I mean, both of our wives dive in deep, but we try to do our best. We're matching with colors every day. We like to have fun with it too. Builds chemistry, you know.

MARK HUBBARD: Absolutely. We say there's a few weeks a year that are the wives' majors, and it definitely depends on the city you're in. We lost Mayakoba to LIV, unfortunately, so I would say this is up there for them. Fun week in New Orleans, lots going on, Jazz Fest. We're having a good time.

Q. What would a win mean to you guys?

RYAN BREHM: It would mean obviously a lot. There's not much winning on this team on the PGA TOUR, but we believe our game complements each other well. I think what I'm looking forward to this weekend is just seeing how it stacks up. There's a lot of great players here.

I think we can go and focus one shot at a time and see where it ends up at the end. Obviously a win would mean a lot.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, it always does. I had a scorer the other day congratulate me on leading the tournament through five holes, so we're not getting ahead of ourselves. We have so much golf to play. So much can happen with these formats. We just want to keep playing good golf and have fun with each other.

RYAN BREHM: I'm going to keep rolling it up there close so he can keep pouring them in for birdie.

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143734-1-1878 2024-04-26 22:37:00 GMT

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