Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Friday, April 26, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Taylor Pendrith

Corey Conners

Press Conference

Q. Can you talk about the round today? Finished off with a nice birdie there.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Conditions were hard, but we hit some good shots and were able to make some birdies. Yeah, it was tricky.

Cory hit the ball pretty nicely, and he had a lot of long irons and didn't leave me in too many difficult positions. I was able to hit a couple of wedges close, but overall I think we managed it pretty well. Nice to finish with a birdie.

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's a unique format, the alternate shot. We had a lot of fun out there. I think we both stayed in the game from the get-go.

Yeah, it was fun. Taylor hit a couple of really nice wedge shots early in the round to get us a couple of nice birdies, and yeah, I think we managed things pretty well.

Didn't have a ton of stress out there. It would have been nice to get a few more to go, but the course was tricky, and happy with our round.

Q. What do you think complements each other from each other's game to make -- you guys are T5 right now and are in a great place heading into the weekend. What worked so well?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I think Cory hits the ball very consistent, and I've been driving it pretty nicely this week. I left him a couple stressful three-, four-footers in the round, but it's a tricky format.

I think keep doing what we're doing, and hopefully make some birdies.

COREY CONNERS: I think both of our games are fairly well-rounded. Keep things simple. Taylor has been driving it great. Yeah, just trying to give him some birdie looks so we can get the putter hot.

Q. What's the game plan heading into the weekend?

COREY CONNERS: I think tomorrow trying to make a bunch of birdies again. Back to playing our own ball. Going to need a low one to keep climbing up the leaderboard. Yeah, it will be fun. Looking forward to the challenge.

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143735-1-1878 2024-04-26 22:53:00 GMT

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