Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Adam Hadwin

Nick Taylor

Quick Quotes

Q. 64 today, Nick, if we can get some comments on your round.

NICK TAYLOR: Yeah, I felt like it was tricky out there with the wind. I felt like starting the day in my mind, if we got to 20 or better, we'd have been pretty happy. It was nice to get hot kind of in the middle of the round there to get it going. Would have loved to make birdie on that last hole, but again, the wind was tricky so there was a lot of holes where par was a good score and it was nice to grab a few in the middle.

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, I think we did a really good job. We stayed patient. We made some, like Nick said, in the middle stretch, made some nice putts. Probably would have been nice to make a couple more. I would have loved to at least stay in play on 18 and have a chance for 4 myself, but I think we're still in a strong position going into Sunday. I think the alternate shot suits our games, as well.

I don't know how far back we were last year, we were quite a bit and made a charge. So I think the way both of us played today, I think we're confident for tomorrow.

NICK TAYLOR: I think you want to come of the gates and birdie every hole, but it was a little trickier to hit fairways today, and this course is tough to get at the greens, judging the lies out of the rough and not being able to control your spin in the wind. We saw today there was a lot of holes where we got a bit out of position on holes that were pretty easy the first couple days, and we were grinding for pars.

Like we said, we did a really good job of not making mistakes and just kind of hanging in there, and it was nice to get on that run in the middle of the round.

Q. Adam, obviously being from Canada, what is it that worked so well for you guys together?

ADAM HADWIN: I think knowing each other for as long as we have. It's pretty laid back. We just kind of enjoy each other's company, out for a little walk, a little stroll like we did back in the junior days at Leadview. Caddies get along and all that, so it's just kind of a fun week. I don't know about you, but you kind of feel a little bit more relaxed. Obviously the alternate shot format is a little bit more stressful, but even then it's just kind of hanging out with a buddy, having a few dinners, and hopefully playing some good golf.

Q. Three shots back, Nick, just your mindset going into tomorrow?

NICK TAYLOR: You know, from what I looked at most of the days, the forecast tomorrow is going to be similar wind for strength and everything. It'll all depend. We'll see how the round starts out, but if we can shoot 9-under like last year, I think it would be great. But I think something 5-, 6-under will give us a chance just with the conditions of how tricky they are. Kind of be patient again to start the round because a lot of those holes are pretty tricky to start the day, and hopefully just have a position the last nine holes or so.

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