Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Mark Hubbard

Ryan Brehm

Quick Quotes

Q. Just share some thoughts with me about your round.

MARK HUBBARD: We got off to a really good start. I feel like the front nine was maybe a little bit more gettable. I don't know why. Maybe just the pins or the way the wind direction was hitting the holes. But we lost a little bit of momentum on the back on like 11 when we kind of walked away with 5 there. Just seemed like one of us was always kind of a little bit in trouble on the back nine, and it helps a lot when you both have birdie looks rather than just one. But I felt like we hung in there and put ourselves in a good position for tomorrow.

Q. How did that hot start feel to get 7-under on the first nine?

RYAN BREHM: You know, they just started adding up really quickly. You don't really think about it, and then Mark stuffed one on the par-5 for eagle.

MARK HUBBARD: Eagles help.

RYAN BREHM: Eagles are big. To echo what Mark said, I think the back nine played a little tougher, and we just didn't quite keep the momentum going. We were definitely putting the pedal to the metal as much as we could. I think you have to play extremely aggressively in the best ball format but sometimes that can put you out of position.

I think we're both excited about tomorrow, and we're just going to take it one at a time.

Q. You talked about the wind a little bit. How much was that a factor in today?

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, a ton. I mean, it's pretty similar direction as the rest of the week but just a lot stronger, and there's just some holes out here that even if you know it's blowing one direction, they seem like -- like 9 and 18, they should play a little down at most off the right and for some reason they always seem to have a little hurt on those approach shots, and they're tough shots into those greens, so to have to trust a certain club or certain line that you might not be comfortable with, that's tough.

But yeah, I think all in all, we handled it pretty well.

RYAN BREHM: I noticed the wind on some putts.


RYAN BREHM: There were a few times it would knock it off line or really slow it up.

MARK HUBBARD: I had to back off a few shots because you're in there red to go and you get a big gust and you feel like you're going to fall over. It's a factor on every shot pretty much.

Q. Probably the same conditions going into tomorrow. Are you going to strategize a bit differently?

RYAN BREHM: I mean, that format you've got to be a little bit more conservative. You don't want to get too conservative, you want to just pick more conservative targets and just play aggressively to that. Honestly, execute and cozy it up there, tap it in for par and make your birdies when you can.

Q. Two back heading into tomorrow. How big was that birdie on 18 for you guys?

MARK HUBBARD: It was great. Take every one you can get, especially in this format, because you don't know how often they're going to come tomorrow. It was huge.

Q. Ryan, I heard you make a great remark on your friendship back there. Talk about how it feels to be beside one of your best friends out there.

RYAN BREHM: When I was talking over there, it came out pretty well. I wish I could echo the same thing. You know, yeah, we've just been really good buddies for a long time. The question was about the format and having chemistry with your partner, and I said I think we're going to win first place no matter what in that regard. We're just good buddies. Our families are close, and I don't know, it makes it easier. Makes it a little bit easier.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, you play so much with somebody that there is just a certain level of comfort. It almost feels like just a normal Tuesday practice round sometimes out there. Obviously you care a little more, but we're usually playing a birdie game or something, so you're trying in those too. It really just does feel like another day on the course with him.

Q. Did you see the guy dressed as Forrest Gump?

MARK HUBBARD: Unbelievable. He's my favorite person I've ever seen. I don't think he was dressed like him. Like he was him. Like that beard looked super real, everything -- it was phenomenal.

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143790-1-1002 2024-04-27 21:58:00 GMT

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