Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Chad Ramey

Martin Trainer

Quick Quotes

Q. 9-under 63, a tournament record in foursomes. Take us through the 11 birdies. What was going right out there?

MARTIN TRAINER: I mean, honestly, everything was working today. The first three rounds of the tournament we played solid, but nothing unbelievable, and I feel like today everything just worked perfectly. We were just complementing each other really well out there and hitting good shots all the way around.

CHAD RAMEY: Yeah, couldn't say it any better myself. We just both had it going. I hit some good shots in there for a little while, but then Martin got to where it was his turn, and he just took right up where I left off.

Q. It seemed like one of those days where one good putt here, one big shot could keep the momentum going. Are there any that stand out in your minds?

CHAD RAMEY: I feel like personally there was. We still had a couple of bogeys, but Martin got the putter rolling, and it was just kind of it boosted our confidence.

MARTIN TRAINER: Yeah, No. 16 after we made that bogey, I thought that wedge shot you hit was pretty spectacular in there and we were able to birdie that one and just play really solid coming in.

Q. Knowing you guys need to post a low number, what was the mindset going out there today? Do you feel like you were able to play pretty free?

CHAD RAMEY: Personally I didn't change at all because the leaderboard is so packed, and every week counts out here towards the end of the year. I was just kind of grinding and trying to get as many as we could.

MARTIN TRAINER: Yeah, it's a marathon out there. What I love about Chad is he never changes no matter what. If we make a bogey or we're leading the tournament, he's just exactly the same, so I kind of like that in a partner.

Q. How did this partnership come about initially?

MARTIN TRAINER: We played together last year. We each needed a partner, and we kind of figured out we had a good tournament last year, finished top 10, so decided to run it back this year, and I feel like we have a good thing going.

CHAD RAMEY: I couldn't have said it better. Just ran it back, and it worked out.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143813-1-1002 2024-04-28 19:26:00 GMT

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