Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Nico Echavarria

Max Greyserman

Quick Quotes

Q. Great finish, great week. Currently T5. If you would both sum it up for me.

MAX GREYSERMAN: It's a fun week. It's my first time playing this tournament. The team format I feel like has just a different vibe to it, and I just really enjoyed playing with Nico and we had a good time and we played some good golf and unfortunately came up a little bit short, but maybe next time.

NICO ECHAVARRIA: Yeah, Max played unbelievable. I felt like we had a chance, but it's golf, and we gave ourselves a chance at the end, and awesome week. It's a very cool format. It's different than every week. Super fun, and hopefully we can do it again.

Q. Knowing this is a team format, what kind of confidence does it gives you guys individually, just having been out there and battling for the lead out there today? How does that carry you for the rest of the season?

MAX GREYSERMAN: Yeah, it's a team format but you're playing your own ball two days and you're hitting half the shots the other two days, so golf is still golf.

But I feel like being in the mix, you kind of get that adrenaline going. You know you're near the lead. Maybe some people don't look at the boards, some people do. I know we were one off there for a bit, and I feel like we were playing well and just couldn't quite get the putts to drop at the end. That's just experience that adds up and proves well in the long run.

NICO ECHAVARRIA: Yeah, super fun again to be in contention. It builds up. This is a good result, and there's still a lot of golf left in the season. More weeks like this are very helpful, so hopefully we can do it again.

Q. How did this partnership come to be initially?

NICO ECHAVARRIA: I was second choice.

MAX GREYSERMAN: The honest answer is I was supposed to play with Jake Knapp. I'm not going to give him too much grief there. But obviously his schedule changed. We're kind of buddies from Korn Ferry TOUR, and we do some AirBnBs and stuff together, and after his win, things changed. We talked about it, and it was best for him not to play.

I was actually in Puerto Rico. I think that was like two months ago. It was kind of like everyone already picked a team and I didn't really know who I was going to play with and stuff like that, and then I was at player dining and a couple people I was talking to, I was about to say yes, and then Nico WhatsApp messaged me, and I was like, I like you better, so I'm going to play with you.

NICO ECHAVARRIA: I honestly wasn't going to play the event, and I'm glad I did. I didn't play it last year, and the format is super cool. The venue is unbelievable, and the partner was great.

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