Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Ryan Brehm

Mark Hubbard

Quick Quotes

Q. Just a great weekend, guys. Walk me through how you're feeling right now.

MARK HUBBARD: A little bit of both. Super pumped for a great week. It was a lot of fun. This event is awesome, and man, it was fun watching him play today. He played so good. Obviously we're bummed to fall one short, but like we've both said to each other multiple times, we'd have taken this at the beginning of the week.

RYAN BREHM: Yeah, our main goal was to give ourselves a chance. That rarely happens in golf when you say, hey, we want to give ourselves a chance. Mark hit a great drive on 18 and I found myself with a 3-wood into the green, and I'm like, this is it, this is the chance we were looking for.

Hit a great shot and Mark hit a great chip that held up and then hit a great putt that didn't go in. You've just got to move on and really take a lot from it because I think it could be a confidence booster for both of us.

Q. Talk about what this weekend meant to both of you.

RYAN BREHM: Well, it means a ton, but I'm sure glad he was on my team to chip this week.

MARK HUBBARD: It means a ton but it also doesn't. It's not going to change our friendship at all, whether we shot 100 every day or found ourselves in this playoff. Our friendship wasn't going to change, and our families are still going to hang out and we're all going to party tonight. It was an awesome, awesome week, and we're very lucky that we get to do it together. It's a great event. But as far as just us, we're going to be all right no matter what.

Q. Coming down the stretch, what was that mindset like for you guys? Did you know where you were standing?

RYAN BREHM: Yeah, I think we had a pretty good idea. We had a pretty good idea. You have to walk the tightrope between being too aggressive and too conservative, and I thought we did a good job all week long of pushing the gas when we needed to and not.

After today, I think probably what ultimately cost us the victory this week is the back nine yesterday and the best ball that we didn't get the birdies probably where we needed them. But you know what, we have a lot to build on.

Q. After yesterday, what was the mindset in the beginning of today?

RYAN BREHM: For me, stay upright.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, my brother texted me last night. He was like, obviously I want more in this game for myself, but he said, realistically you're about to turn 35, who knows if you'll ever get to play a Ryder Cup, so this is about the closest thing certainly that I've had so far in my career. I definitely took that to heart and tried to be really grateful for that opportunity today to kind of feel what that might feel like, playing against an all-Euro team and that crazy format. Alternate shot is just so stressful. Yeah, I just tried to be really grateful for every shot I got to hit today.

Unfortunately I didn't feel like I hit them too well, but I was still grateful for that opportunity.

Q. Individually best finishes of the season. What does this do for you guys moving forward?

RYAN BREHM: It's a big confidence boost for me because when you get paired with Rory McIlroy there's a lot going on. We can each draw a lot from that. Just know that you're going to feel pressure again hopefully in your career, and that's a good thing.

MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I played with him two days in the RBC Canadian Open last year when Nick Taylor won, and I played about as good as I've ever played in golf with him for two days, and man, it's definitely -- I draw on that weekend a lot, and watching him play the way he did today under that pressure, not only playing with Rory, not only having a chance to win, but with a partner not playing that well and alternate shot, he just dominated. He was like he was possessed or something. I know he's going to build a lot of confidence from this, and I am, too.

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