Zurich Classic of New Orleans

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Martin Trainer

Chad Ramey

Quick Quotes

Q. What a great weekend you both had. Talk me through how you're feeling right now.

MARTIN TRAINER: Obviously a little disappointed, but overall I think it's important to see the big picture, and we had a really good week. That's all we can hope for really.

CHAD RAMEY: Yeah, obviously disappointed we didn't come out with the win. Like I told somebody earlier, there's a lot of really good things to take from this week, and that's what I'm going to do. Solo second finish in the end is still pretty good.

Q. That last playoff hole, talk me through shot by shot what you guys were thinking out there.

MARTIN TRAINER: Just playing it like a normal hole. Doing the best we can. Obviously golf is hard, and sometimes it doesn't go your way.

We did the best we could and had a chance, and that's all you can ask for really.

CHAD RAMEY: Yeah, I couldn't say it any better myself. Just tried to approach the hole like it was any other hole. Obviously it just didn't quite go the way we had planned.

Q. You guys have just had such a great team dynamic. What has this week meant to the both of you teaming up together?

MARTIN TRAINER: It's been great. We did well here last year and we improved upon that this year. I think we're definitely going to be back next year and try again.

CHAD RAMEY: No doubt.

Q. What was your memorable moment out here? Mart Marty mean, I think birdieing the 18th hole to finish regulation --

CHAD RAMEY: Just to post a number that everybody else had to chase. That would have to be it.

MARTIN TRAINER: And just the relief of having such a good round. I think that was special for sure.

Q. Any thoughts for next year going for the win?

CHAD RAMEY: Oh, yeah, no doubt, I'm in.

MARTIN TRAINER: We'll have plenty of time to brew some over by the time the tournament comes around next year.

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