THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

KH Lee

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, we'd like to welcome KH Lee to the interview room here at CJ CUP Byron Nelson; two-time winner at this event. What's like to return to a place you've had success?

KH LEE: Always I'm here feels so nice and comfortable, and when I'm here it's very confidence, so I'm so happy always here.

Q. You've had two top 10 finishes this season so far; finished T11 last week in New Orleans. Talk about how comfortable you are with your game coming into this week.

KH LEE: I think little struggle last year, but I think getting better every week this year, so hopefully this week tee to green and putting, everything good matchup.

So hopefully good week for me this week. (Smiling.)

Q. Why do you think you play so well here at TPC Craig Ranch?

KH LEE: When I here putting is always good, and then I tee off tee box, every hole is comfortable for me.

And then I like more birdies or eagles, many birdies here everybody, so I want to more (indiscernible) game. So, yeah.

Q. A long time PGA TOUR partner, CJ, is now the title sponsor of this event. What are your thoughts about CJ becoming a sponsorship and the evolution of the partnership?

KH LEE: Always I want to play well CJ CUP, and then very fortunately this week Byron Nelson, when I play good here, and then they put together CJ CUP at Byron Nelson. I'm so happy to play here.

Q. Is there any Korean food or culture that you would like to introduce to this Dallas community or Texas community?

KH LEE: Yeah, here have a lot of good Korean restaurant. And friends live in Dallas, too, so they -- actually, Michael Kim last week, team partner, he let me know couple good Korean restaurants. Hopefully this week one time there, so, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143853-2-1041 2024-05-01 17:00:00 GMT

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