THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Thursday, May 2, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Taylor Pendrith

Quick Quotes

Q. Going low early. First grouped out.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, pretty solid. Got off to a pretty good start. On 1 and 2 I hit really nice putts that lipped out from probably 15 feet.

The greens are so good, so just knew stay patient and I'm going to make a couple putts.

Made a long one on 4 and that kind of just jump started the round. Played really solid. Didn't really have to scramble for par at all I don't think. Missed a couple greens but in an easy spot to chip it close, so, yeah, overall great day.

Q. Any momentum coming off T11 finish last week at Zurich0?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, me and Corey played really nice last week and didn't get much out of it on Sunday especially.

So, yeah, it was a fun week last week and I think my game is in a good spot. I'm driving it well again, which had been a struggle this year.

So can drive it in play and go from there. It's been a good few weeks for me and getting a little confidence back, which is nice.

Q. The weeks you do make the cut and play well, you finish at the top there. Feels like one or the other. Is it one of those thing coming into the week you can feel it, or how would you explain the way the record looks so far for you this year?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I've been struggling with some shoulder issues all year. Actually for a year and a half, which has been really frustrating for me.

But it's starting to feel good, which is nice. Start of the year it wasn't great, but I was driving it good so I could kind of I guess fake it around a little bit.

You know, it had gotten not great kind of mid-start of the year I guess. So it's been frustrating, but it's starting to feel good and I'm swinging it better. My speed is back to kind of how it usually is.

I've been driving it nice the last three weeks and had some decent finishes the last two weeks, and obviously off to a decent start here. But hitting the ball nice.

Q. What was it that's going on with the shoulder?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I had calcific tendonitis, so couple calcium balls in my rotator cuff and I've had three different procedures, nonsurgical procedures to try and fix it. Yeah, just lingering pretty much from Torrey Pines last year until still now bugs me here and there.

It's getting better. Got PRP injections the week of Waste Management. Yeah, we'll see.

Q. Is it one of those things you can only do these things or is there a bigger surgery you can do?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, my doctor that I talked to in Florida said we could do it, but they would have to go through the rotator cuff and that would be a longer recovery. Generally these go away by themselves in six months, but it's been 15 months.

Yeah, just trying to battle through that. Starting to feel good the last few weeks.

Q. Sounds like it's a physical challenge. Mentally how have you tried to work with that, as I am sure you'd like to get out there?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Been tough mentally for sure. I would say my game is built around driving the golf ball and I've lost a lot of speed in the last year.

Now I'm getting it back, so I can I guess fully commit to my driver swing and hit it hard again; whereas before I would flinch or ease off.

Mentally it's been difficult. Getting back to kind of how I like to play golf I guess and can swing hard on the shots, so that's a good feeling.

Q. Left shoulder you said?


Q. On Tuesday you attended a dinner with the international team prospective members and captain Mike Weir. What sort of inspiration did you pull from that and what did you gain from attending that dinner?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, huge motivation for me obviously to get back on that team. It being in Canada this year is extra motivation. And Mike Weir being the captain.

Yeah, just to be in that room with all those guys and hear stories from previous Presidents Cups was really cool. It was a great dinner, and something I am really hoping to be a part.

Q. Feel like it gives a bit of a spark coming into the week?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: For sure. Every week you're trying to do your best and it's in the back of your mind to make that team. But to be there with those guys and talk to Mike a little bit, it's an exciting time of the year.

It's at a golf course that I like, so it's definitely huge motivation to be in the mix for that team come September.

Q. I don't believe you're in the signature event next week or the PGA Championship. How much is that on your mind and the possibility of playing your way in Aon Swing 5, and maybe in the Top 100 in the PGA?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: It's honestly not really on my mind. It's I guess kind of difficult to know what the schedule is going to be. If I have a good week this week could go to Charlotte maybe. Could get in the PGA so maybe I wouldn't got to Myrtle Beach.

So just focusing on playing golf and see what happens. Obviously a good problem to have. If I put three more nice rounds together maybe I'll have that problem.

Q. What was the best shot you hit today?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Best shot I hit today was 3-wood into 18. I had 256 flag and the wind was in off the left and hit my spot perfectly. Hit it really solid and probably 30, 40 feet on the back fringe. That was the best shot.

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