THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Thursday, May 2, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Jason Day

Golf Channel

Q. All right, Jason Day, the defending champion here at the CJ CUP. You talked yesterday about wanting to see improved iron play. Top 20 in strokes gained approach. Is that the kind of progress you wanted to see this week?

JASON DAY: Definitely, especially with how the short game was. I mean, one thing that let me down was the short game today. Overall, it's been nice to be able to improve the irons. I got to actually work on it and try and just keep slowly incrementally working on the stuff that I'm working on right now with Chris, and over time hopefully just sets in and it's concrete.

Q. Talked about this yesterday, with Chris being here locally, does it feel this week that you guys can continue to...(indiscernible.)

JASON DAY: I'm still on the fence about whether having my coach at events works, because typically I don't have any self-control. I'm sure there is a lot of degenerates out there as well that don't have self-control when they're working on their swings. I have zero self-control, and I tend to look at too many swings on my phone, get too technical.

So I think I have a mixture of like Chris working on some stuff with me during the weeks and then some weeks I don't. I haven't found the right formula yet. I feel like I got off to a good start this week.

Q. Not going to ask about the swing anymore. Going to ask about the golf course. (Indiscernible) what is it about this course?

JASON DAY: If you make -- give yourself the correct opportunities off certain holes, you can get momentum rolling your way very quickly.

You know, there is definitely certain holes that you want to try and attack, definitely some holes that you're like, okay, I just need to get it down the fairway and on the green, two-putt, and make the par.

And then those, if you're walking off with bogeys there, that's typically momentum killers. Everyone talks about it all the time, but it's one of those courses where you can go around and look at the holes and go, I'm gonna birdie this, gonna birdie this, going to birdie this, going to par this, going to birdie this.

So if you can take those opportunities, and I feel like my game suits it pretty nice around this course, that's kind of how I play this course.

Q. Opening 66, two shots off, won last year. How much confidence does that give you?

JASON DAY: It's nice. I think overall the average winning score is 22-under around here. You kind of have to shoot 5-, 6- a day, somewhere in that region.

So it's good. Kind of on par right now, so good. Got three more days left.

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