THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Thursday, May 2, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Chesson Hadley

Quick Quotes

Q. Chesson, good round of golf. I picked you up and watched you make a couple of bogeys, so I appreciate you getting my self-confidence back up. That swing into 18 had to feel really good given that last couple holes to finish off strong.

CHESSON HADLEY: Yeah, that was tingles and jingles. I had a good number and just smashed a 3-wood good, landed perfect, and greens are soft so had a respectable look at eagle.

16 is a tough hole. Probably going to make a bogey there throughout the week.

17 was not very good. Hit a good shot and I was way too far short. It was a bad club and I three-putted, so that wasn't great.

But nice finish and good round overall.

Q. Hit 17 of 18 greens. Is this a golf course, knowing the scoring you have to have on it you want o maximize chances, or do you need to take advantage of where you have scoring opportunities?

CHESSON HADLEY: Yeah, you got to get it. You got to get it this week every round. I don't know what the winning score has been, but it's close to 30 almost. So if I shoot three more days like that I'm only at 28 and winning score is 30, so I got to find -- I like what I did today, and if I can repeat that again the next three days, we'll be in great shape.

I hit the ball very well. It's been a hot minute since I had the looks that I had today and the putter has been a strength of mine and I was able to make some putts today as well, so that was good.

Q. Good run last week. Talked a lot about what that week can mean for folks that win. What does a week like week, playing a different format to reset how you approach the golf course this week?

CHESSON HADLEY: Yeah, good question. I missed four cuts in a row going into last week. Obviously it's a team event and Greyson Sig was my partner.

I played better today than I played last week, but I think I played well today because of last week. Just kind of made cut and we had some momentum on the weekend.

You're exactly right. It just kind of got the ball rolling. I'm such a huge momentum player.

You know, I typically make birdies in bunches and I need to see some putts drop. So it was nice to see that last week and I felt like that carried over.

Q. What is the momentum from today you carry over?

CHESSON HADLEY: Yeah, despite those couple bogeys, I made nine birdies today I think. Yeah, nine birdies. I hit some amazing golf shots. 17 out of 18 greens. Hit a lot of fairways.

A lot of positives to be taken from today. You know, just I've got a good swing thought and feel and just going to ride it out the rest of the week.

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143872-1-1041 2024-05-02 19:54:00 GMT

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