THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Thursday, May 2, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Kris Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Start off with some comments on what it was like to make your PGA TOUR debut today.

KRIS KIM: I thought it was pretty fun today. Made a lot of birdies, but couple bogeys in there as well.

I think overall I played really well.

Q. Talk about that finish on your final hole.

KRIS KIM: Yeah, it was pretty funny. Had the perfect club, perfect number, 30 yards I think. Yeah, perfect.

Q. What were nerves like on the first tee?

KRIS KIM: They were pretty high to be honest, but, yeah, helped that I got a good drive away and pretty good second shot in as well.

Q. Anything you do to settle those nerves, or when did you settle in the round?

KRIS KIM: Just make jokes with the caddie to be honest. I think that helps quite a bit.

Q. You tell the jokes or he does?

KRIS KIM: Usually him. (Smiling.)

Q. Was there a moment where you kind of were hitting shots and you were like, okay, this feels normal, like I'm playing a round, or was it always feeling weird?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, it was after like three holes because I was hitting the ball pretty well. Yeah, I mean, just got into a bit of a flow and then, yeah, just kept playing.

Q. Two chip-ins I think for the day. Is that usually a part of your game that's solid? You chip in a lot?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, I would say short game is my strength, but just got lucky a bit today.

Q. How is it feeling this kind of environment, lots of crowd audience? How do you feel about that?

KRIS KIM: I like it. I like it. Especially when you hit a good shot and everyone is clapping. Just makes it everything better.

Q. Not making you nervous?

KRIS KIM: First couple holes the nerves were definitely there, but as we got on it was just playing golf.

Q. What advice did you lean on from your mom? Did she give you any yesterday or throughout the week?

KRIS KIM: I mean, she's told me at the end of the day it's just hitting a golf ball around, and then whatever you shoot, whatever you shoot. Yeah, mainly that.

Q. Today you had -3?


Q. Is that what you expected, or so-so?

KRIS KIM: I would say it was pretty good. Conditions out there were pretty easy today, especially with the greens having a bit of rain.

But, yeah, I would say 3-under I would definitely take.

Q. You are happy about your round today?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143876-1-1041 2024-05-02 20:43:00 GMT

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