THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Thursday, May 2, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Davis Riley

Quick Quotes

Q. Start off with some opening comments about how would you assess your round today?

DAVIS RILEY: Super solid. Hit a lot of fairways and greens. Pretty simple. Yeah, left a couple out there, but for the most part when I was out of position or missed the green the short became was doing pretty good and was able to get up-and-down and then just capitalized on some good looks.

Q. At least by the stats, said you putted pretty good today. Anything in particular you feel good about on the greens this week?

DAVIS RILEY: Yeah, I've just been putting a lot of good work in with the putter. Feels comfortable in my hands. Feel like I'm seeing the lines well.

Yeah, had a couple really nice par saves from probably seven to eight feet that kind of kept the round going. Yeah, it felt good, and hopefully I can just kind of continue those feels with the putter through the week.

Q. I am sure maybe not the start to your season that you would you have liked to have. How do you assess how things have gone and what you're trying to do to get things back on the right track?

DAVIS RILEY: Yeah, like you said, it's certainly a slow start, but the game feels there, so that's been the hardest part, is I've just struggled to put four good days together. When I've had been in position I've had a slow weekend or I've had a couple big mistakes that cost me playing the weekend and stuff like that.

Certainly looking to get things going in the right direction. I feel like good golf is right around the corner so just I am just trying take it day by day, and today is certainly a step in the right direction.

Q. How does that affect you mentally when you feel like the game is there but you're not seeing the results?

DAVIS RILEY: Yeah, for sure. I mean, hard work is hard work sometimes. You feel like it should pay off but you have to keep with it. That's what I've been kind of doing, taking it day by day, trying to get better every day, and just trying to be the best I can and just be present.

I feel like that's helped me today, and take it hole by hole and shot by shot and see where it puts me at.

Q. Played this tournament a couple times. When you lived in Dallas how often would you playing this course? Any other times?

DAVIS RILEY: Yeah, when I first moved to Dallas five years ago I played out here so I'm pretty familiar with it, yeah, being from Dallas.

Yeah, this tournament is super special to me. Obviously the first year when I played it it was actually at Trinity and now we're here.

But I love this venue. It's a great golf course and one that I'm familiar with. Yeah, it's a fun place to play.

Q. Decent amount of people out here with you this week?

DAVIS RILEY: Yeah, my wife and I've actually got my college roommate in town, so it was fun. They're staying at the house. Yeah, pretty relaxing week, and nice to see friends and family and keep it pretty light. I feel like that helps for sure.

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143880-1-1041 2024-05-03 00:30:00 GMT

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