THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Friday, May 3, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Jake Knapp

Quick Quotes

Q. Jake, fantastic two days of golf. I don't know where to start in terms what's working. Seems like everything is working. Does it feel that way?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, a little bit. I feel like still hit some not-so-great shots over the last two days. Yeah, for the most part hitting it pretty solid and keeping in the right areas.

Made it relatively easy on myself. Never really felt like I had to scramble or anything like that.

Q. Putter looks solid. Started solid the beginning of the year. What about this particular week? Anything you're working on or...

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, I mean, the greens are very pure. We were talking about how well the greens held up yesterday afternoon. Even with the rain if the morning they were really nice.

Yeah, early on in the year felt like I was putting well, and for the last month or so the stroke felt the same and ball wasn't going in the hole.

So just put a little bit more of a premium the last couple weeks on green reading. Yeah, nice to see a few more going in.

Q. I think all of us are getting to know your game a little bit more. Admirer of the off-speed stuff you have. (Indiscernible.) Is that something you had to develop or something you had a feel for to have some fun with out there being able to shape shots?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, I used to just kind of go fast and faster and that was my only two speeds, and then I just kind of realized playing on some softer greens and playing in softer conditions in Canada, learning how to control shots into greens and getting them not to rip back basically.

So started with that and just realized that sometimes when I hit those shots I have better control of start lines and shapes. Yeah, kind of like a go-to shot for me, and if it allows me to hit it, I do.

Q. Strategy for the weekend? Keep going at it?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, keep doing the same. Scores are going to be low. Course is pure. Unless the wind really starts blowing, numbers are going to keep going up.

So, yeah, just got to keep the pedal down and keep trying to make birdies.

Q. Jake, are there comparisons to this course and Mexico where you won?

JAKE KNAPP: A little bit. Mexico the fairways I feel like are cut a lot wider. This place is wide from like trouble to trouble, but tee shots like No. 9, No. 5, I mean, still some tee shots you just have to avoid some things and hit good shots to give yourself a chance to go at the green in two.

It's definitely a little bit more you want to be in the fairway. Especially with the rough. It's easy to catch fliers as it gets dried out. Just been trying to put it in the fairway as much as I can.

Q. Hot streak from Torrey through Cognizant. Didn't quite keep it up the last couple starts. Any differentiating kind of those two periods of golf?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, I think I just got a little tired. I think mentally it was just a lot going on, and I wouldn't say necessarily life changing, just everything got busier and days got longer.

It was just a bit of an adjustment. Didn't feel like I had the same energy throughout the day in some of those weeks, which was kind of a bummer.

Decided to take last week off and give myself a good reset at home and work on some things I've been struggling with, and feel like it's working out this week so far.

Q. Jake, the only blemish on the card today was at 3. How important was it to come back at 4 and get a pretty good long birdie putt?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, obviously a putt you're not trying to make. Felt like I hit a good iron shot and putt didn't have the a ton of movement. Hit it a little bit harder than I would've liked and luckily it was on a good line and went in.

Q. Obviously a lot of people are getting familiar with your story. Couple years ago you were I guess working in a bar, doing other stuff. What does it mean to look back two years, to have a win on TOUR, and here leading tournament a couple weeks later?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, even when I was doing any of that stuff I always knew this was what I wanted to do, and felt like it's where I should be. Just wasn't there yet.

Just kept working away and sticking at it. Had a good year last year and just letting that keep on going.

Q. You look at your profile and talk about the Rubik's Cube and all that. You got a lot of interesting things going on around.

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, few interesting ones about me. I do my best to -- I'm kind of a golf-only guy. Just play a lot of golf and practice a lot. That's been my focus for the last four, five years.

Q. Last thing: The win in Mexico, what does that do for you sitting in this position going into a weekend?

JAKE KNAPP: Yeah, I mean, feel comfortable. You know, I've been there before. Even Farmer's was around the leads and Cognizant was around the lead there.

Courses like this where scores are going to be low you don't worry too much about what other guys are doing. You try to make a bunch of birdies.

You know, it's a course this fights me well, so if I just keep doing the things I'm doing I'll be in a good spot.

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143890-1-1041 2024-05-03 18:19:00 GMT

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