THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Friday, May 3, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Kelly Kraft

Quick Quotes

Q. Kelly, you how fun was it to play well in your hometown and be in contention for your first PGA TOUR?

KELLY KRAFT: It's not bad. I can sleep in my own bed and make a bunch of birdies. We're having a good time out there.

Q. Looks to me like you've been a ball-striking Jesse this week. You're second in strokes gained approaching the green.

KELLY KRAFT: Yeah, it's good. I mean, the ball is pretty much going where I'm looking. I think I hit it a little bit better yesterday. I hit a lot of good shots today, too.

Q. Made more than 100 feet of putts in the opening round; 53 in the second round; and still to shoot 5-under par. Controlled your game.

KELLY KRAFT: Yeah, for sure. Today I had some looks. I hit a -- all the putts I hit were really good; some just didn't go in. Today I hit more iron shots, tap-in. I think I had maybe three that were basically gimmes, so that's always nice, too.

Q. Tell me about your approach into 14. A lot of players try to drive the green. Do you lay back purposely there?

KELLY KRAFT: Yeah, I mean, I don't hit the ball that far. I carry my driver about 285, so I just hit like a soft high spinny cut off the tee and just left myself in the fairway. I didn't want to try to hit one. Just worked it away from the water and easy wedge shot.

Q. What are we, about 45 minutes or so away from Denton depending on traffic. Do you ever play here?

KELLY KRAFT: Last year at the tournament. That's about it. I live in Dallas now. I grew up in Denton. Yeah, either way, it's probably about 45 minutes both ways.

Q. What's it like for you, the feeling being back in contention? It's been a while.

KELLY KRAFT: Yeah, it's fun. I mean, it's what we play for. It's been a little while. I played bad last year. Finished in the conditional category, so it's been kind of a struggle to get in tournaments this year.

But I've been shooting some great scores at home and been staying ready, working with my coach a bunch. So just waiting for the opportunity.

I played great last fall just to get in the conditional category. I think I had five or six top 25s. So my game has been good. Just sucks because I haven't been in anything. They changed it up on us a little bit this year. I would've thought I would've played a little bit more. Unfortunately not, so I need to make the most of my opportunities.

Q. How do you deal with that mentally? I am sure it's challenging the situation that you've been in, but now having to deal with that, how do you sort of get your mind in the right place and maybe when you're sitting at home you see others playing in the tournament and you feel like you should be there?

KELLY KRAFT: Honestly, I just don't watch that much golf at home. You just fall into I wish you were there or whatever. Just stay sharp at home, and I knew I was eventually going to get in some stuff. Just keep the pedal down.

We got like a three week old at home so that is keeping my mind off most things. I got to go back and change some diapers.

Q. What's the best thing about having an three week old at home?

KELLY KRAFT: Having the 18 month old that's ready to go right on the other side.

Q. Last week was a pretty good performance with Kevin at Zurich. What did you learn from that tournament?

KELLY KRAFT: Yeah, we've played that thing every year since it started we always just kind of -- it's kind of a lighter week. You get the best ball and go out and try to make a bunch of birdies.

Alternate shot is a little bit stressful, but we both played pretty good. You know, I felt like my game is in -- ball striking-wise is in great shape. These greens are a little bit different so I had to come here and adjust a little bit.

But no, I mean, it was just fun to kind of see where my game was at. A little bit hard to tell because it was a team event. I was glad to just play my own ball this week and continue the good play.

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