THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Friday, May 3, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Kris Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice playing; 68, 67 to make the cut. How does it feel to achieve that so far through the tournament?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, it feels pretty good. I feel like I've played well over the last two days. Stayed pretty patient out there. Yeah, I guess it worked.

Q. Any moments out there -- you were kind of close to the cut line most of the afternoon -- that you looked at the scoreboards or thought to yourself, you know, you were riding that cut line?

KRIS KIM: We checked out on 15, the par-3. Yeah, I knew I was playing well enough. I had two good birdie opportunities on 10, 11, 12, three of them.

Yeah, just keep playing my golf.

Q. You said earlier in the week in your press conference that one of the most important things for you was your caddie and the trust that you have. How was he helping you out there on that back nine particularly?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, he was really good. I think just talking it out made everything clearer. Yeah, just more committed to my shots.

Q. What was your goal for the two days, two rounds?

KRIS KIM: Just make the cut to be honest. I knew something around this number would be good enough, but, yeah, to shoot it, I'm pretty happy.

Q. You looked pretty calm.


Q. Were you?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, I guess I was. (Smiling.)

It wasn't too bad. It's golf at the end of the day, so...

Q. How about coming down 18? You knew you were probably right on the number, yeah? Did that make you anxious in any way?

KRIS KIM: To be honest it being a par-5 it's pretty helpful. But, yeah, I mean, there is always going to be nerves when you're on the cut line whatever tournament.

Yeah, it was pretty good.

Q. How does it feel?

KRIS KIM: I'm happy. I can't wait to get started again tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned you wanted to make the cut; now you have two more rounds ahead of you. What do you try to get out of the next two days?

KRIS KIM: Go as low as possible and have some fun out there. I've enjoyed it so much the last couple days, and being here two more days makes it so much sweeter.

Q. Your mom is out here today. Has she given you any advice you've taken with you?

KRIS KIM: She didn't actually follow round today. Too nervous. She was really good. She just told me to commit to every shot and then if it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

Q. How has the reception been from the other players? Have they helped you out or given you any advice?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, they've all been really nice to me. I've kind of been quiet to myself, but, yeah, they've all good guys out there.

Q. You probably haven't had a chance to look at your cell phone yet, but I am assuming you might have quite a few text messages from some of your schoolmates.


Q. Is that going to be exciting to look at those?

KRIS KIM: I guess so. I'm going to try and sleep tonight but, yeah, I'll look at them pretty soon.

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