THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Saturday, May 4, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Kris Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. What have you learned about your game for the last three days that maybe you didn't know or didn't have expectations coming in? What have you learned about yourself being able to play on this stage?

KRIS KIM: I realized how good my short game is, how I can rely on it sometimes, especially days like today where I sucked at hitting irons. Yeah, made up for it with wedges.

Q. What was the fan support out there like today? You had a pretty big gallery following you for a few holes. What are some things they've been saying to you and what's it been like having all that following?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, it's been really cool. Makes it a little bit more fun playing with the crowds in my opinion.

Yeah, it was just such a good experience today.

Q. Has it been cool to be able to enjoy this week with your mom and dad and brother here? How cool has it been to be able to have them here along with you?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, them being there makes it that much better I think. Yeah, missing some school as well for my brother, but, yeah, other than that it's still been good.

Q. Doing any homework or schoolwork at night or waiting until you head back home?

KRIS KIM: I'll give you an honest answer, no.

Q. (In Korean.)

KRIS KIM: I think I did almost better on the short side of chips instead of longer ones. Yeah, I think the preferred lies helped a lot. Yeah, I think spin was very key today.

Q. (In Korean.)

KRIS KIM: Low round tomorrow.

Q. You heard that everybody saying about you in here. You heard about the people say, oh, Kris. How does it feel about that?

KRIS KIM: Yeah, it's pretty good I guess. Pretty awkward sometimes, but, yeah, still good stuff.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143904-1-1041 2024-05-04 17:42:00 GMT

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