THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Saturday, May 4, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Ben Kohles

Quick Quotes

Q. 6-under day. How are you feeling entering the final round?

BEN KOHLES: Feel good, yeah. Just going to keep trying to do the same things I've been doing. Hitting it good off the tee. It's going to get a little rain tonight so fairways should be pretty wide. With how soft they are haven't been getting much roll.

Really just got to give yourself a lot of chances out here and there is some birdies to be made. Obviously with the greens softening up even more probably tomorrow, you're going to have to shoot pretty low.

Q. Being born in Dallas, I know you moved away when you were ten years old, but is there anymore special connection to this to tournament than maybe some other you play in?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, this one and Colonial for sure okay, just kind of being close to where I was born. Moved away when I was ten, but still, like I said, feel like a Texan at heart. It's definitely great to come back here.

Q. Do you have any memories of this tournament growing up. I know you didn't really get into golf until a little bit later, but you remember anything...

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, no, I don't think I ever came to the tournament when I was little. Didn't really get into golf until I moved to North Carolina after I was ten.

Yeah, it's something I've been watching on TV forever, and get that first win would be huge.

Q. You had that eagle to turn in 31. No real big runs on the back. It's a little surprising there hadn't been something lower than 63 with a soft course and not a whole lot of wind. What's your take on maybe why the scores haven't gone super low like they have last couple years here?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, I think the greens are just really good. As soft as the fairways are, I mean, the greens are soft, but have a little bit of bounce in them still. They're not really plugging like years past, so that just makes it a little bit tricky early.

Obviously with the rain forecasted for tomorrow get even softer. Wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of red tomorrow.

Q. What's kind of the outlook for you tomorrow? You'll be in contention.


Q. I don't know how many times that's happened for you, but what's the outlook?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, fortunate to play in the final group in Puerto Rico earlier this year. Wasn't my best day, but I really drew a lot from that, learned a lot.

Yeah, I'm just excited to be back in position and have a chance to win. That's all you can ask for. No matter what happens, I'm going to be happy and grateful just to be here and going to do the best I can.

Q. What's the biggest lesson you took from that Sunday?

BEN KOHLES: I think just not getting ahead of yourself. Easier said than done, but, yeah, just going through the process really. Just keep learning. I feel like that's the biggest takeaway.

I always was -- just feel like I was projecting, just looking in the future too much and worrying about what's going to happen instead of just being able to stay in the present, which that's what everyone really says.

There is really some steps you got to take in order to get into that mindset. So I feel like I've made some -- haven't had the results I wanted in the last few months since then, but I really feel like I'm making really good strides and, yeah, it's kind of finally starting to pay off.

Q. Wanted to ask about the caddie bib, enjoy nature. What does it mean to you and what does getting outside do for your mental?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, fortunate to get to play a sport that I get to go outside pretty much every day. That is definitely one thing everyone can do a lot more of, just get outside, go on a walk with friends, your wife, whoever it is.

We live in a world with a lot of screens these days, and I'm guilty as well; spend too much time on the screen.

If you can just get outside and enjoy nature is nothing but good for you.

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143907-1-1041 2024-05-04 21:51:00 GMT

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