THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Saturday, May 4, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Taylor Pendrith

Quick Quotes

Q. I guess the highlight of the day is probably the back-to-back eagles. On that second one when you're lining it up, is that one you think you can make or just trying to get it within a certain yardage?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, the second one, it was pretty basic pitch shot. I was trying to fly it further than I did., but low, take two hops, and kind of skip up the hill. Obviously a bonus to make that, but it was a really nice shot. Would've been a foot probably if to missed. Yeah, that was a lovely shot.

Q. I know it's been a big talking point amongst the Canadians, but with the Presidents Cup coming up how much are you putting an emphasis on that, trying to play your way into that event later this year?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, I haven't had the best of years so far, but it's a huge goal of mine, especially being in Canada, Mike Weir being the captain. Last year was awesome -- or two years ago was awesome. To get back to that stage would be amazing and even more special to be in my home country.

It's definitely a goal of mine.

Q. What's clicked this week? I know you said it's been a struggle this year. What's led to you being able to find some momentum this week? Looks like you'll have a lead heading into tomorrow.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I feel like my putting has been really good all year. I usually drive it well and I haven't been driving it great. The last few weeks I've found something with the driver. Got a new shaft. I think I'm just swinging it better in general. But driving it well and not I guess putting myself in awkward positions off the tee, which I had been earlier in the year.

So, yeah, just feel comfortable with everything and now that the driver is clicking, it's a nice feeling.

Q. What were you thinking after the consecutive eagles? Some of us were thinking 59 and stuff.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, obviously a bonus for both of those to go in. Two really good shots. First one had a little bit of steam so maybe got a little lucky to drop.

You know, I was just thinking, just keep going. I hit a really nice shot on the next par-3 and hit a good putt; just didn't break enough.

But this is kind of a course you can get an a run and make a lot of birdies, and the guys behind me I'm sure were doing the same. Just got to keep the momentum going and try and make as many as you can.

Q. You've had a couple of opportunities as the third-round leader. What do you take from some of those experiences? How can they help tomorrow?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, just got to stay aggressive, play my own game, not really worry about the other guys, what they're doing.

Been playing some nice golf the last few weeks, and it's nice to see it come together. I think just stay patient and play my own game and don't get ahead of myself. Make as many birdies as you can, because I think it'll take a low one tomorrow.

Q. Your bio says Leafs fan and I saw conflicting info of Canucks fans. Is it Leafs?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Not Canucks. Leafs.

Q. What are the viewing plans for tonight?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, going to go home and get some food and watch the game. Be glued to the TV. I'm a little nervous, but they looked good last game, so hopefully do as good as Game 6 and be exciting.

Q. Are you going to watch it alone?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, just by myself. My wife will be there.

Q. Some texting going on?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I'm sure there will be, yeah.

Q. Have you ever had back-to-back eagles before?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I have no idea. I don't think so. I don't think so. Maybe a first.

Q. Even as a junior player?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I can't remember. It was nice.

Q. Knowing this is the kind of course you do need to get on runs, make a lot of birdie putts, are you comfortable with that style of play, and how does it change the way you'll play tomorrow?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, I think I'm comfortable. Different weeks are obviously different with the course setup.

Feel like on the Korn Ferry TOUR it took a low one every week to contend. I guess I'm used to it in a way. It is what it is. The conditions are favorable this week and guys are making birdies.

I think it's going to take a low one tomorrow and hopefully go out there and make some birdies.

Q. If you have a start tomorrow that's unlike today's where you're making pars, how do you manage that?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, I feel like I've been working on that the last month or so, just staying patient and accepting what I've got. Yesterday I was 1-over par through 12 holes and got on a run and birdied the last five to put myself in position to have a great round today to be where I'm at.

It's a long day. Plenty of birdie opportunities. Obviously getting off to a nice start helps. If I don't, there is no panic. Just going to take it one hole at a time and know that I'm probably going to make some birdies at some point hopefully.

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