THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Saturday, May 4, 2024

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Matt Wallace

Quick Quotes

Q. 4-under today. How you feeling going into the final round?

MATT WALLACE: Good. Got a chance. Needed that finish. Four back wouldn't have been nice, but two is manageable. Four is manageable around this golf course, but two is very much so manageable.

Happy with how I stuck in there. Could have been one that got away from me a little bit, but I hit the ball so well, so really happy with my ball striking display and just need to clear up the putting a bit.

Q. Being in contention in the final groupings, what's the key to that tomorrow?

MATT WALLACE: The same. I mean, I don't know many people around me that have won more tournaments around the world than myself. Not that that's a big brag, but I feel like I know how to get the job done.

I'll do the same things as what I've been doing tonight and get ready for that tomorrow, and then go out there with full focus on trying to win a golf tournament.

Q. Your 63 from Thursday is still tied for the low round of the tournament. We've gotten used to a 61 here or there on this course the last fewer years. Is there anything about the course, because it's kind of soft and the wind hadn't come up, and a little surprised at that somebody hadn't gone super low. Wondering if you thought there was anything that might have kept the scores up just a little bit?

MATT WALLACE: I don't know actually. I'm probably not the best person to ask because apart from the 63, I haven't played here many times to see those low, low ones.

Soft golf course which helps in a sense, but then also you don't get the length. The wind has been up. The pins have been in some difficult positions. And then the par-3s are really long.

There is a score out there to be had, and hopefully I can make that tomorrow. I don't know why the differences, why we don't see a -- maybe we'll see it tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned how well you're striking the ball. I know you said the same things last week in New Orleans. When was the last time you felt this comfortable standing over shots?

MATT WALLACE: It's the best I felt off the tee in probably forever. Yeah, I'm just hitting the ball so well with so much confidence and freedom, and the golf course lends itself for that. I've also ripped some on the hard holes, like 12. Hit a great one down there today into out of the right and just held it on the wind and hit it miles down there.

And the 2-under par-4 yesterday was a show of that.

Yeah, very happy with that. I mean, couldn't have been a better day considering how I felt on the greens.

Q. How much is that a by-product -- you talked about feeling healthy -- after dealing with the shoulder issue?

MATT WALLACE: Yeah, well, it's everything. I can let loose as well and I can give a couple tee shots where I can let it go and really give it everything.

Yeah, it's so important. So important to be healthy. But also to be comfortable with my swing and equipment and the way you're moving.

Yeah, I'm very happy.

Q. (Regarding caddie bib - meditation.)

MATT WALLACE: Yeah, it was a question we got asked to put down on the back of the bib. I've been meditating now for maybe six months and I do the sleep one at night, listening at night, and I'm out like a light.

Also sometimes when I'm not and listening to it, it's pretty great. It mellows me down, kind of sinks into me more than if I'm focusing on it a bit much. So yeah, it was a good word to have.

Cheers. Thank you.

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