PNC Championship

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Vijay Singh

Qass Singh

Quick Quotes

DOUG MILNE: Congratulations, 16th appearance in the PNC Championship, 2022 champions. Just some comments on the week overall.

VIJAY SING: Well, I mean, we went out there really hard. I think we birdied the first seven holes and today he hit two of the best 2-irons I've ever seen in my career. The one on 14 was just incredible.

So he played really well. I'm really proud of him and you know we putted well as well. We got -- it was kind of sketchy in the middle there, 9, 10, 11, but to get it to two back, the eagle on 14, funny thing is we don't really know what's going on there until 18.

So Alastair or whoever is looking, should put some scoreboards out there so we have some idea what the hell we are doing out there.

QASS SINGH: We didn't know where we were until the last hole.

DOUG MILNE: How special is it obviously to be with your dad all week, but to come away with a victory?

QASS SINGH: This is what we wanted forever.

VIJAY SING: 16 years.

QASS SINGH: Way too long. But it's about time, yeah, so I'm thrilled. I'm so happy. This is already the best week, so this is just making it just, you know, no words can describe. It's going to be a memory I'm going to have forever.

Q. Knowing how much you wanted this, can you take us through the 18th green?

VIJAY SING: Yeah, we looked up and I said, oh, well, we've got -- to make a birdie here, we've got -- I think they can't catch us, so he hit a really good first putt, and then obviously I blew mine way past.

It was really nerve-wracking the second putt I hit, but I just put on a good stroke and once they were in, it went in and that was it.

QASS SINGH: I told him he could miss it, so I could have the birdie putt.

VIJAY SING: I wish that was true.

Q. What did you think -- from your first time playing?

QASS SINGH: I didn't hit a good shot the whole tournament but I hit one of the best -- I don't know what club it was -- remember that?

VIJAY SING: 4-iron.

QASS SINGH: And I almost holed out, it came out like this far away (indicating six inches) and that's pretty much what I remember. We played pretty good that day because of him but I at least contributed with that one shot.

Q. What do you do for a living?

QASS SINGH: I'm in insurance.

Q. Do you play a lot of golf?

QASS SINGH: Yeah, I play a lot of golf.

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