Invited Celebrity Classic

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Mike Modano

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Mike, thank you for joining us here at the Invited Celebrity Classic. How does it feel to be here this week?

MIKE MODANO: Feels great. Always nice to come. Feels like home always coming back to Dallas. Tons of familiar faces and great friends, and so catch up with a lot of people.

But it's never a bad time to come back here.

Q. How do you feel about your game coming into this week?

MIKE MODANO: Still rusty from the Disney cruise last week, so hopefully tomorrow we'll tighten it up a little bit. But it's always hit our miss when you get out here. Get some nerves rolling. It's fun, exciting. Fun bunch of guys.

We're all familiar with each other from Tahoe and the other events in Orlando, so at least from that standpoint we'll be a little relaxed because we know each other.

Q. Can we ask some hockey questions?


Q. You're in a predicament this week.


Q. Describe that for us.

MIKE MODANO: Well, it's easy because you're allegiance goes with the guy that signs the checks, so there is a little bit of a lean towards the Wild, but should be a great series. If it's an example of game one, it's going to be a nice long, hard-fought series.

They all are at this time of the year. There is in way around that point. Yeah, it's tough because you got a lot of people you know and it's hard to say. Got to go with Minnesota by a hair.

Q. There goes the statue. (Laughter.) What did you think of game one?

MIKE MODANO: It was great. I thought it was a phenomenal game. Minnesota, they both played tight, not much room obviously as everything is allotted, so not much space at all.

Oettinger and Gustavsson played great. Goalies were phenomenal. Both teams had some great opportunities to win it throughout the overtime, and that's what is exciting. Sudden death is what makes playoff hockey exciting.

But, yeah, should be a good revved up one tonight. If it's anything like game one, it's going to be long and drawn out, so be a fun one.

Q. Do you remember those days?

MIKE MODANO: I know them far too well. This is the best time of the year to be playing, the most exciting hockey you can play. You know, certainly brings back some memories of Reunion and the first few years at American Airlines Center. It was hard to beat some of those years, the fans and playing until June, just two months of just great hockey.

It was a lot of fun. This time of year you start remembering all those great years and certainly the Cup year.

Q. Are you missing them enough maybe they can sign you to a short deal?

MIKE MODANO: No, not enough. Not even a PTO. (Laughter.) Not a chance.

Q. What are you thinking the Stars are going to have to do to make adjustments?

MIKE MODANO: I don't think they have to really do much. It was just so evenly matched. And they are. On paper they are.

So comes down to just one-on-ones and just little battles and getting some shots through and causing some havoc for the goalie a little bit more.

It's just opportunistic at this time of year. Someone somehow has to step up and make a good play or make a good goal. It's timely stuff, and it's just the urgency level get ramps up and every blocked shot, every save, everything is magnified.

Q. When you watch the games, is it hard to watch as a fan having been a player, and do you look at it from a technical standpoint or can you enjoy the game?

MIKE MODANO: Probably a little bit of both. You can nitpick everything from TV and the press box. Game is easier from way up there. You can see what they're not seeing and what they -- they should make this play. How did they miss that pass.

So it's easy from the press box. But, yeah, you got -- you just know it's a hard game. It's tough. A lot bodies flying, things happen. It's easy to see, but ice level is a whole 'nother animal.

Yeah, you get technical and a little too stingy on plays, but it's a hard game and it's certainly hard at this time of the year.

Q. You ever wish you had a celebrity tournament in Dallas while you were here? How cool is it...

MIKE MODANO: It's great. They have it in July or August so we get done with the playoffs. But, yeah, you wish you had a little bit more to do. Like these are fun events, they're great. They're put on well.

For us retired guys it gives us a sense of some excitement and some competitive juices and it's our release. Golf is a humbling game, so it'll knock you down real fast.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
132043-1-1041 2023-04-19 18:30:00 GMT

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