Invited Celebrity Classic

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

David Toms

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, David, thanks for joining us at the Invited Celebrity Classic this week. How does it feel to be in Dallas after the break and what does this tournament mean to you to get to play with the celebrities?

DAVID TOMS: First of all it's nice to just get back in action. Three weeks we were talking earlier is a little bit of a long break.

I stayed busy. Couple baseball series I went to and then went to Richmond for Easter to see my son. So I had plenty to do but just was away from golf, competitive golf. Feel like we're getting the season kicked off. Hate to be away that long.

To be back in Dallas, it's a good spot. I lived here years ago right down the street. My son was born here 25 years ago. Always enjoyed it. Have a lot of friends i the area; played a lot of golf. Used to play this golf course quite a bit. My manager when I first turned pro was a member here so we played some.

So good memories around this place. You know, to see some of the celebrities, people I used to watch play their sport on television, things like that, it's nice to see and creates a little buzz around our tournament.

Q. You mentioned some of the celebrities. Anyone you're a big fan of or looking forward to meeting?

DAVID TOMS: Well, I just stretched with Larry the Cable Guy in the physio. That was kind of interesting. Would've been a nice video, but not sure we could have put it all out there.

It was fun. Just little things like that make it neat and make it different for us. You know, every week we're out here grinding. We have the pro-ams and everything, but for us, it's just regular tournaments, and to have a little break from that and have an event like this where we see some other faces it's a lot of fun.

Q. I know this event really connects the athletes with the fans. What do you hope the fans take away from this experience?

DAVID TOMS: Number one, that golf is a great sport that everybody can play. It's a life sport. To be able to see people that -- without their helmet or baseball cap on or get to be up close and personal with guys that you see on the hockey rink, things like that, I think it's different.

I think it's nice for people that are fans of sports to be able to connect a little bit better with them.

Q. You talk about wanting to have your name in the Schwab Cup. You're in the top of the rankings. With all the commotion this week, is it still business as usual for you?

DAVID TOMS: Yeah, that's why we're here, to try to get in the hunt again. You know, I could get in my car, drive over here -- I'm only three hours from home -- and do the same thing on my way to Houston next week.

Any time you can do that, I look forward to playing. Got some of my family coming over this evening that will be here this weekend, so times like these when you're able to get in your car, drive down the street, play a professional golf tournament, be around celebrities and be around your peers in a golf environment, I enjoy that.

Q. Few buddies that aren't here. They're playing Zürich. Any thoughts on that in New Orleans?

DAVID TOMS: I think the old guys play great. It's a fun format. The alternate shot format, they have so the holes that can get interesting. Some of par-3s with water and so forth. A lot of pressure on some of the guys, especially the guys that have the odd holes.

So it'll be fun to watch. I think it's good theatre for golf. The fan base in New Orleans, I know they're all excited for it. Really just kicking off the golf season. Things are starting to green up at home. It'll be a fun event and hopefully they'll have exciting finish.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
132057-1-1041 2023-04-20 16:43:00 GMT

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